dimkr / loksh

A Linux port of OpenBSD's ksh
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Tarball with subprojects/ included #16

Closed nmeum closed 4 years ago

nmeum commented 4 years ago

I am maintaining a loksh package for Alpine Linux. With the transition to meson and lolibc the subprojects/lolibc folder is not included in the release tarball would it be possible to create a tarball which includes the git submodule to ease packaging?

dimkr commented 4 years ago

GitHub auto-generates these tarballs and doesn't support vendoring.

Is it a problem to clone the git repository recursively, instead of using those tarballs?

nmeum commented 4 years ago

It would be an inconvenience, yes.

dimkr commented 4 years ago

Stay tuned, I'm releasing a 6.7.1, with a release tarball generated by CI.

dimkr commented 4 years ago

There you go: https://github.com/dimkr/loksh/releases/download/6.7.1/src.tar.xz.

Please let me know if there's anything else I can help with.

orbea commented 4 years ago

@dimkr Your tarball link is already dead.

Also please use standard tarball names of NAME-VERSION, so in this case 'loksh-6.7.1.tar.xz'.

dimkr commented 4 years ago

@orbea It's weird that GitHub deleted it, I'll try to trigger a rebuild of this tag

EDIT: wut wut, this looks like a Travis or GitHub bug!

Current tag is: 6.7.1
src.tar.xz already exists, overwriting.
dimkr commented 4 years ago

I issued a 6.7.2 release, identical to 6.7 and 6.7.1, to test CI and avoid overwriting files in previous releases.

orbea commented 4 years ago

Thanks, lets hope it doesn't get deleted this time.

orbea commented 4 years ago

Also, it would help to rename the directory before making the tarball so the extracted directory and the tarball directories name match. :)