dimmitt / social-app

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Questionnaire Form, social journal #5

Open MichaelDimmitt opened 4 years ago

MichaelDimmitt commented 4 years ago

The engagement lasted: 3 hours 20 minutes.

1. relative effort level
    easy medium hard.
2. do you feel 
    closer, more distant or the same?
3. how soon do you want to hang out with them again?
    1d 3d 1w 3w 1m 3m 6m 1y
4. did you learn something new about them today?
5. how did they feel in your presence?
6. how did you feel in their presence?

7. Is this a healthy relationship
    yes, no, unsure.

*disclaimer, social conversations should not be looked at in such a binary way take any insights gleaned with a grain of salt. https://github.com/indiespirit/react-native-chart-kit

MichaelDimmitt commented 4 years ago

A target to get inspiration from:

Screenshot_20200101-121636 Screenshot_20200101-121623