dimmus / eflete

Theme Editor for Enlightenment Foundation Library-based applications
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Wrong install PATHs #40

Closed Thanatermesis closed 10 months ago

Thanatermesis commented 10 months ago

This is a minor bug report, something changed since the version 20230318 (commit d557d5e7 #d557d5e7 ) where some files are installed in a different / strange path, I fixed it manually in my package build but I think should be fixed on upstream, these are the details of my overwritten locations:

/usr/local/share/applications   /usr/share/applications
/usr/local/share/icons          /usr/share/icons
/usr/share/eflete/AUTHORS       /usr/share/doc/eflete/AUTHORS
dimmus commented 10 months ago

It seems okay. Your system build tool prefix is /usr. Mine is /usr/local (check the readme file). What errors did you get? I will check the work of dir_prefix in meson.

Is the last one working? Check out the About page. Eflete uses AUTHORS to populate About page.

Thanatermesis commented 10 months ago

Is not an error, everything installs correctly, they are just installed in a wrong directory so as the previous example I just moved manually the files in the package to be in the correct location, yes the prefix is /usr here in the package and so I think that is important because applications and icons should be then in the /usr (not in /usr/local), again its not a problem for me but I wanted to report it because maybe the prefix is wrongly read on the makefiles or something similar?

dimmus commented 10 months ago

For me: /usr/bin : contains executable programs that are part of the operating system and installed by its package manager /usr/local/bin : default location for executable programs not part of the operating system and installed there by the local administrator, usually after building them from source

The same for applications, icons, etc

Thanatermesis commented 10 months ago

Sorry I didn't see the last comment.

Yes exactly, for me too. The problem is that eflete is built using --prefix=/usr , that's why I said they are put in the wrong place (/usr/local/)

I think you can try this easily with something like this:

./configure --prefix=/usr
mkdir tmpinstalldir
make DESTDIR=tmpinstalldir install
tree tmpinstalldir

probably with the previous step, you can see inside the dir "tmpinstalldir" everything installed in a /usr structure, but some files are put on tmpinstalldir/usr/local. Probably if you do --prefix=/opt they are put on tmpinstalldir/usr/local too 🤔

dimmus commented 10 months ago

Ok, I get it. You say, that Eflete doesn't follow a prefix. I definitely should check this out. Thanks.

dimmus commented 10 months ago

Found hardcoded paths. Solved in 411dc54a50572270d0acdc194c28f3c0587e07c0. Thanks