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Faceted search #13

Open brady77 opened 6 years ago

brady77 commented 6 years ago

First of all: geekmarks are simply a great tool! Tags hierarchy is an ideal solution to union the world of

I wish there was a faceted search:

dimonomid commented 6 years ago

I'm kinda of two minds about the related tags feature: e.g. I often apply some geo-location tags, like the name of the city, along with basically any other tag. E.g. if I bookmark a page about ergonomic chairs which are present in showroom in the city X, I'll tag the page with at least furniture/chair, shopping, and city_X. That tag city_X doesn't really seem "related" to furniture/chair in any way outside of that particular bookmark, so I'm not sure I want to see it as a suggestion when I create new tags.

Boolean logic is something I keep thinking myself occasionally. Sooner or later, one hopes... :)

brady77 commented 6 years ago

I see your point. Let's say I have several bookmarks from my "furniture research". Some of them are tagged [/furniture/chair, /shopping, /place/city_X], other bookmarks will be tagged [/furniture/table, /shopping, /place/city_Y]. If I want to review my research now I would probably search for [/furniture, /shopping]. For this I will use the search dialog with three sections: top, left and right:

On the left there will be a table with bookmarks matching my search criteria (Page Title, URL, Logo or Preview, Comment, applied tags).

On the right there will be an overview of relevant tags that are connected to the listed bookmarks (from the left section). According to our example search above you will see there [/furniture/chair, /furniture/table, /shopping, /place/city_X, /place/city_Y].

The top section will have a search input field and tags filter field. The search input will operate exactly as it works now: if I type "furn" I get hints [/furniture, /furniture/chair, /furniture/table]. If I click on a hint it will be added to the tags filter. As per our example the tags filter will have [/furniture, /shopping], now.

Now I want to narrow my context to chairs only. So I go to the right side and I click on [/furniture/chair] tag. This will be added to the tags filter on the top. Listed bookmarks on the left will be updated, as well as the listed tags on the right. If I want to broaden my context now to any location, I just go to the top and remove the tag [/place/] from the tags filter.

This scenario will probably prevent us from listing bookmarks that are "out of research context". For sure, if I remove all tags from tags filter all but [/place/city_X], my output will be populated with bookmarks about furniture and gardening. But this is something everyone should understand. Nothing prevents you from adding a tag [/research/furniture-for-my-house] to all the above mentioned bookmarks. That way you never loose the context at all.

Sorry for my complicated description.

dimonomid commented 6 years ago

Hmm, ok. Sorry I actually misunderstood you in the beginning: I was thinking that you're suggesting adding related tags when adding a new bookmark, like, "would you like to also tag with X and Y?"

But you're talking about finding tagged bookmarks. That does make sense.

brady77 commented 6 years ago

Yes, exactly. This is actually "just" a better search and filter capability for your system. Sorry, I wasn't much transparent first. The boolean logic could be somehow added to the tags filter section. But don't know whether it will collide with the workflow described in my previous post.