dimsav / laravel-translatable

[Deprecated] A Laravel package for multilingual models
MIT License
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Prefix for default language #581

Closed emco83 closed 5 years ago

emco83 commented 5 years ago

I'm using this plugin for a long time using this tutorial: https://mydnic.be/post/how-to-build-an-efficient-and-seo-friendly-multilingual-architecture-for-your-laravel-application It's working fine, but I still haven't found a solution for removing the default language prefix.

Let's say I have two languages. German and English.

When the website has default set as German language , I got this URL: www.mywebsite.de/de

Please anybody help to remove the prefix /de for the default language. I've already checked the comments for this issue on the tutorial website, but still no solution for that.

Gummibeer commented 5 years ago

The routing part is pretty bad. 🤔 Using segments and a hard route prefix ties you so hard to a given structure. So you can't do admin/de and app/de for example.

It's better to use a route group with a named variable as prefix. I haven't tried but it should be possible to flag it as optional. In your middleware you only change the app local if it's present and matches a given one.

But this issue also doesn't belong to this package.

Gummibeer commented 5 years ago

This is my setup.


    'middleware' => ['localized'],
    'prefix' => '{language}',
], function () {
    // all localized routes


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class Localized
    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
        $locale = $request->route('language');

        if (!in_array($locale, config('app.locales'))) {
            return redirect()->to(localized_route($request->route(), default_locale()));


        return $next($request);
emco83 commented 5 years ago

Hi, Gummibeer.

Yes, I know this issue is not directly related with your plugin, but any help is useful.

So, your approach is to setup the Route group into routes/web.php and setup a new Localized middleware, right?

I've tried now by adding this route group into web.php.

    'middleware' => ['localized'],
    'prefix' => '{language}',
], function () {
    // all localized routes

I've created also your Localized middleware and setup in the Kernel.

I don't understand which routes should I set into?

function () {
    // all localized routes
emco83 commented 5 years ago

By the way if I set any route inside, I'm getting this error:

in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given

and it's related with this line from the Localized class:

if (!in_array($locale, config('app.locales'))) {

EDIT: The error makes sense, because 'app.locales' doesn't exist. it should be 'translatable.locales', but even though I'm getting different error like that.

OK, I guess I have to give up from this idea, 'cos in the tutorial article there are many comments with this issue and nobody has solved this problem.


Your setup is different, I'm sure because you're using app.locales with different details..so without more details, it's impossible for me to solve the issue.

Gummibeer commented 5 years ago

Sorry, forgot the custom config - it's just a simple list of locales:

'locales' => [

And yes, the route group belongs into the routes/web.php and inside of the group function you put all your routes which should be localized. These functions are also custom ones localized_route($request->route(), default_locale()) you can replace them.

I also have an event listener for \Illuminate\Foundation\Events\LocaleUpdated:

namespace App\Listeners;

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Events\LocaleUpdated;

class SetAppLocale
    public function handle(LocaleUpdated $event)
        setlocale(LC_ALL, $event->locale);

            'language' => $event->locale,


This custom listener sets the locale for all locale aware services which aren't set by laravel. The URL::defaults() allows to call any route/url generator without providing the current locale but get a localized url with the current locale.

At all I recommend to ask your questions in https://larachat.co , https://laracasts.com/discuss or any other general laravel help area. Because some of these things are always app specific - The major thing you have to get done is flag the locale url variable as optional.

emco83 commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your explanation! I hope I'll achieve this. :)