Open chithract opened 5 years ago
I'm facing an issue of displaying the partial loading of images when clicking next arrows. The code I've used is
$('.screenshot_pic').magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a', fixedContentPos: true, preloader: true, type: 'image', tLoading: '', mainClass: 'mfp-img-popup', gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, tPrev: 'Previous', // title for left button tNext: 'Next', preload: [1, 1] // Will preload 0 - before current, and 1 after the current image }, callbacks: { beforeOpen: function() { startWindowScroll = $(window).scrollTop(); }, buildControls: function() { // re-appends controls inside the main container this.contentContainer.append(this.arrowLeft.add(this.arrowRight)); }, imageLoadComplete: function() { var self = this; setTimeout(function() { self.wrap.addClass('mfp-image-loaded'); }, 16); }, updateStatus: function(data) { if(data.status == 'loading') { this.wrap.removeClass('mfp-image-loaded'); } }, close: function() { this.wrap.removeClass('mfp-image-loaded'); $(window).scrollTop(startWindowScroll); }, }, image: { verticalFit: true, tError: '', titleSrc: function(item) { return item.el.attr('data-title'); } } });
I did this with the help of
A similar issue exists in this example also -
Thanks in advance.
I'm facing an issue of displaying the partial loading of images when clicking next arrows. The code I've used is
I did this with the help of
A similar issue exists in this example also -
Thanks in advance.