dina-web-nrm / classifications-ui

Classifications aka taxonomy management user interface components and related resources
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Feedback from focus group #2

Open caalle opened 8 years ago

caalle commented 8 years ago

I've tried to summarise all taxonomy related feedback that we've recieved in sprint demos during the spring. Post comments if anything is unclear and need more description.

Taxonomy feedback from focus group

Collected in sprint demos during spring 2016

gnewton commented 8 years ago

We want the search to match the entire search term from the beinning. Eg. We don't want the term to match in the middle of a sentence.

Typing in a single term foo should always be interpreted as: foo OR foo* If the underlying search implementation supports it, the added wildcard portion should be down-boosted. So above would be transformed to (in Lucene query syntax, for example) : foo OR "foo*"^0.3 This would have the benefit of foo hits being sorted higher in the result set than foo* hits.

Want to be able to perform trucated searches. Eg. Tarax abbr would match Taraxacum abbreviatum and Taraxacum abbreviatulim

I would suggest that we agree on a simple search query syntax (it can be as simple as just adding asterisk for wildcard, and double quotes for phrase search) which would be used in cases like this. So in this example, they would have to write something like: "Tax* abor*"

Otherwise, it is too difficult to interpret how to interpret what is typed in.

Also should consider adding the dash prefix, which in most systems - including Google search - indicated not including hits that contain that term. foo -bar Indicates (foo OR foo*) AND NOT bar