Thank you for develop such a good tool! I was able to run CharGer sucessfully, but all variants are classified as "Benign" in the column "CharGer_Classification" if I didn't use parameters -l -O --mac-clinvar-tsv.
I found that there are also many Cross-reference data files. But I'm not sure what Cross-reference data files can help to improve my results and where to acquire them. The disease of my samples is lung cancer. Would you mind provide some sugesstions?
Hi, Thank you for develop such a good tool! I was able to run CharGer sucessfully, but all variants are classified as "Benign" in the column "CharGer_Classification" if I didn't use parameters -l -O --mac-clinvar-tsv. I found that there are also many Cross-reference data files. But I'm not sure what Cross-reference data files can help to improve my results and where to acquire them. The disease of my samples is lung cancer. Would you mind provide some sugesstions?