ding3820 / MIMO-VRN

Video Rescaling Networks with Joint Optimization Strategies for Downscaling and Upscaling (CVPR 2021)
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How to test Vimeo90K? #4

Open minzhang-1 opened 2 years ago

minzhang-1 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I see your video_test_dataset.py only process Vid4 dataset. How do you test Vimeo90K?

ding3820 commented 2 years ago

I packed all Vimeo90K in LMDB format, so use testing data as what I did for training data should be fine.

minzhang-1 commented 2 years ago

Thank you! By the way, what is the N_frames in the training and testing configuration?

ding3820 commented 2 years ago

N_frames is for setting the input sequence interval. For example, N_frames: 7 means input 7 consecutive video frames.

minzhang-1 commented 2 years ago

Hi, when testing Vimeo90K dataset, your code seems to have some bug. The dimensions after tensor to image do not match. What is the center used for here?

ding3820 commented 2 years ago

Center is the index of middle frame in a video sequence. Input and output should have same sequence length.