dingjiansw101 / AerialDetection

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configs in paper : Position Sensitive RoI pooling #78

Open mmoghadam11 opened 2 years ago

mmoghadam11 commented 2 years ago

hi and tnx for your implemention in your paper : https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPR_2019/html/Ding_Learning_RoI_Transformer_for_Oriented_Object_Detection_in_Aerial_Images_CVPR_2019_paper.html the paper said about configs like Light-Head R-CNN OBB, deformable Position Sensitive RoI pooling and RoI Transformer where can i find the config of deformable Position Sensitive RoI pooling???

dingjiansw101 commented 2 years ago

In this pytorch repo, we only implement the rotated position sensitive roi align in https://github.com/dingjiansw101/AerialDetection/tree/master/mmdet/ops/psroi_align_rotated For the full light-head R-CNN OBB with rotated position sensitive roi align, you can refer to our MxNet repo https://github.com/dingjiansw101/RoITransformer_DOTA