{"error":{"message":"422 Unprocessable Entity","errors":{"username":["The username field is required."],"email":["The email field is required."],"password":["The password field is required."],"confirm_password":["The confirm password field is required."]},"status_code":422}}
Does anybody know what would be causing this issue? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi, I'm trying to filter a JSON request using a middleware but It doesn't appear to be working.
A request like this will work just fine
But one like this will throw validation errors saying that the fields are required
I've got a middleware that is meant to filter out the
part of the object and leave the content, It looks like thisThat log you see in the above method logs out the response I'm looking for
But I still get the error
Does anybody know what would be causing this issue? Any help is greatly appreciated.