dingo35 / SmartEVSE-3.5

Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVSE)
MIT License
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Solar Mode - stopping timer resets on API meter update #53

Closed demerstraat closed 2 months ago

demerstraat commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug When in SOLAR mode, "waiting for SOLAR" works as expected: once meter sees current export > solar start setting, charging starts, and charging current is adjusted to keep solar import at desired setting.

however, when solar production drops, this triggers the "stop" timer, as expected, it starts counting down, but never reaches 0 secs, even though solar production dropped. at first sight, it counts down from 600s to 597s and then resets, this is coherent with my API meter update interval: at least every 3 seconds, and on any current change >0.1A

Upload your config { "version": "v3.5.0", "mode": "SOLAR", "mode_id": 2, "car_connected": true, "wifi": { "status": "WL_CONNECTED", "ssid": "meeuw", "rssi": -68, "bssid": "1C:ED:6F:3D:BD:87" }, "evse": { "temp": 23, "temp_max": 65, "connected": true, "access": true, "mode": 2, "loadbl": 0, "pwm": 102, "solar_stop_timer": 598, "state": "Charging", "state_id": 2, "error": "None", "error_id": 0, "rfid": "Not Installed" }, "settings": { "charge_current": 60, "override_current": 0, "current_min": 6, "current_max": 16, "current_main": 16, "current_max_circuit": 16, "current_max_sum_mains": 18, "solar_max_import": 0, "solar_start_current": 8, "solar_stop_time": 10, "enable_C2": "Always Off", "modem": "Not present", "mains_meter": "API", "starttime": 0, "stoptime": 0, "repeat": 0 }, "mqtt": { "host": "", "port": 1883, "topic_prefix": "SmartEVSE", "username": "mqtt-ha", "password_set": true, "status": "Connected" }, "home_battery": { "current": 0, "last_update": 0 }, "ev_meter": { "description": "API", "address": 12, "import_active_power": 1.200000048, "total_kwh": 126, "charged_kwh": 5.699999809, "currents": { "TOTAL": 52, "L1": 52, "L2": 0, "L3": 0 }, "import_active_energy": 0, "export_active_energy": 0 }, "mains_meter": { "import_active_energy": 0, "export_active_energy": 0 }, "phase_currents": { "TOTAL": 35, "L1": 56, "L2": -10, "L3": -11, "last_data_update": 1713346761, "original_data": { "TOTAL": 35, "L1": 56, "L2": -10, "L3": -11 } }, "backlight": { "timer": 120, "status": "ON" } } Upload a debug log Flash the debug version of the firmware (see https://github.com/dingo35/SmartEVSE-3.5/blob/master/SmartEVSE-3/HowToFlash.txt), telnet to your device, capture the debug log, cut it so that it shows JUST BEFORE and JUST AFTER the problem arises, and upload it here. evse-debug-log.txt

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. What Mode are you in? Normal, Smart or Solar? SOLAR
  2. What steps do you take so the problem arises? Waiting for SOLAR > Charging on SOLAR > cut out solar inverter > stopping timer resets and keeps restarting at 600s, never reaches 0, never stops charging

Expected behavior Keep counting down as long as import_current > solar_max_import

dingo35 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your bugreport, it took me some time to reproduce it. The timer was reset when no new API data arrived between two "ticks" (approx. 2s), so you were right, it had everything to do with your API update frequency.

This should fix it: 91403995.zip

demerstraat commented 2 months ago

wow impressive support response time! big thank you!

I can confirm you fix works! (see log) log.txt

would it also have been a fix with just decreasing the API meter interval to 1second ?

dingo35 commented 2 months ago

Well that would not be fix but a workaround; I didnt notice this since my testbench updates 1/sec ....

demerstraat commented 2 months ago

:-) glad that it can now be "in alignment" with the allowed 10 second interval for API updates then (y)