dingo35 / SmartEVSE-3.5

Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVSE)
MIT License
38 stars 13 forks source link

Feature Request: Show or download logs #58

Closed devdems closed 2 months ago

devdems commented 2 months ago

Currently, i did not find any other way to check the logs without enabling the telnet option and read the logs there.

We need to be able to view the logs on the UI or download them. Assuming you have x amount of space dedicated for logs, it would overwrite the old logs if the x is reached. Ideally, we should be able to define the log level on the UI.

dingo35 commented 2 months ago


devdems commented 2 months ago

Simple. You are charging the car at night and something happens. You would like to know what happened.

dingo35 commented 2 months ago

So for those few users that are really bughunting: tee your telnet session to a file and rotate that on a daily basis.

Storage is scarce at IOT devices, and we want to keep it for future extensions.

Also this would complicate code and not open up any new functionality.

Finally, IMHO this kind of info should not be processed on IOT devices; export them to the outside world where they can be manipulated, grepped, spreadsheeted or whatever you would like to do with it!

devdems commented 2 months ago

So for example you charge the car at night, it stops charging a couple of times during the night ergo the car is not charged in the morning. What would be your friendly solution and take into consideration an individual without any IT knowledge?

Currently, you cannot see anywhere that the error happened, no notification is sent, nothing.

In the morning when he checks the device all is fine and dandy because the error from 3AM is not present anymore.

And the error could be that modbus did not sent the data in 10s, wifi and SmartEVSE did not see each other for some time,..whatever. No one would be able to see that.

devdems commented 2 months ago

There are multiple ways to solve this (show logs, send push notifications via telegram, pushbullet,..., send an email,). In the worst-case scenario, we could use MQTT to push the errors or use an external Syslog server that would be collecting those, but these 2 are not user-friendly solutions.

dingo35 commented 2 months ago

If communications are restored, charging is continued. If not you can determine the comms problem...

If you are connected to HomeAssistant you can already monitor all exported variables....

And guess what, in the past two years, not a single night my EV wasnt charged.....so AFAIK its a rather theoretical discussion...

devdems commented 2 months ago

Ok, it's a nazi regime here. Will not bother with any more items.

@mstegen recommendation. We can all appreciate the @dingo35 what he has done and still doing but I think you should create a repo on your git for 3.5 and have something like a voting pool for new features as I saw a lot of examples of features being closed that were good proposals and a lot of them end up creating new forks all over git and the community does not get those features in the end.

dingo35 commented 2 months ago

Why dont you look at HomeAssistant, it logs all your error and charging states, with a frequency of 6 times / minute?

And/or log with telnet, you are a developer so it would probably cost you less than an hour to write the bash script for that...

Too bad you're going for an ad hominem, instead of reacting to the content of my messages...

devdems commented 2 months ago

@dingo35 i will do that in the end. I don't open these requests for me as I can work around all those things with some quick dev work.

It is just a general feeling that I got on the topic of features from multiple users and I think it needs to be said. We should have one source of truth for SW of this powerful device and that should be on the main repo, now we have 3 and I imagine it's quite confusing for most.

dingo35 commented 2 months ago

No there are only two repo's (not counting Serkri since it is 200+ commits behind), the one from the manufacturer and this one.

And the manufacturer will adopt the versions developed here, once proven stable...