dingo35 / SmartEVSE-3.5

Smart Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVSE)
MIT License
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SmartEVSE freeze/stuck, since sending home battery information. #91

Open vicom147 opened 3 days ago

vicom147 commented 3 days ago

What happens: Since a few days we have an Home battery, with Homeassistant I send the current info with the curl to the master EVSE every 10 seconds. But the master freezes/get stuck after some time but not always the same time. When it happens the webpage is unavailable, buttons are not responding, no communication possible at all. I have to switch the power off and on to get it working again. The slave is not freezing, but gives logical the COMM error.

Config from the master: {"version":"v3.6.3","serialnr":1234,"mode":"SOLAR","mode_id":2,"car_connected":true,"wifi":{"status":"WL_CONNECTED","ssid":"AP","rssi":-50,"bssid":"7E:8A:20:4C:10:75"},"evse":{"temp":32,"temp_max":65,"connected":true,"access":true,"mode":2,"loadbl":1,"pwm":1024,"solar_stop_timer":0,"state":"Charging Stopped - Waiting for Solar","state_id":9,"error":"None","error_id":0,"rfid":"Not Installed"},"settings":{"charge_current":0,"override_current":0,"current_min":6,"current_max":16,"current_main":25,"current_max_circuit":16,"current_max_sum_mains":600,"solar_max_import":0,"solar_start_current":13,"solar_stop_time":5,"enable_C2":"Auto","mains_meter":"Eastron3P","starttime":0,"stoptime":0,"repeat":0},"mqtt":{"host":"","port":,"topic_prefix":"SmartEVSE-49223","username":"","password_set":false,"status":"Disconnected"},"home_battery":{"current":131,"last_update":1719475920},"ev_meter":{"description":"Eastron3P","address":16,"import_active_power":0,"total_kwh":3193.5,"charged_kwh":0,"currents":{"TOTAL":0,"L1":0,"L2":0,"L3":0},"import_active_energy":3193.5,"export_active_energy":0},"mains_meter":{"import_active_energy":14929.09961,"export_active_energy":8982.799805},"phase_currents":{"TOTAL":-117,"L1":-16,"L2":-30,"L3":-71,"last_data_update":1719475926,"original_data":{"TOTAL":12,"L1":27,"L2":13,"L3":-28}},"backlight":{"timer":120,"status":"ON"}}

The problem is in SMART mode but also in SOLAR mode. Cannot reproduce it. I will upload the debug version. Is it possible to get the log file after the device is rebooted?

dingo35 commented 3 days ago

Ok thanks for your report; the combination of a master/slave setup AND a home battery makes your configuration rather unique, so a real challenge to solve this! I see two possiblities to debug this: 1) you flash a debug version and keep your telnet client running 24/7, and we hope that the last lines of your log give any clarity 2) you try to get a coredump; this requires some skills, the procedure is described in the file "coredumping.txt" in the repo... this method is much surer to point us directly at the problem, but requires much more preparation

Are you willing and able to do the second route, with my support, of course?

vicom147 commented 3 days ago

Sure, I first try the 1st method, when that gives no clarity I'll try to get the coredump.

Is there also a method to remove the MQTT config? I'm not using it anymore, but the config is still there. Blank the fields gives an error :)

dingo35 commented 3 days ago

Ok that is a bug, clearing the host field should do the job.

But for now, you can clear your entire config by doing /erasesettings,

Or you can do give -DMQTT=0 as compile option....

rvdgaag commented 2 days ago

I have a similar setup with 2 Smart EVSE's and a 30 kWh battery setup. Will monitor what happens when I charge the cars tomorrow, I didn't experience issues recently.

dingo35 commented 2 days ago

Thx for your help Ronald!

rvdgaag commented 2 days ago

@dingo35 it's René by the way ;-)

dingo35 commented 2 days ago

O sorry René, confused you with another faithful community member!

rvdgaag commented 1 day ago

Mine work fine, no freeze up, I feed both mains and ev data with MQTT.

Just the charge overide doesn't work. It always charges at 3x 16A max