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The Next Batch #90

Closed gecko231 closed 6 years ago

gecko231 commented 7 years ago


gecko231 commented 7 years ago

OLD THINGS ✓ click file -> eat map causes file overlay to stay on inv ✓ investigate MOVE bugs (lighter vs light, etc) ✓ use tape/lift tape/eat tape/etc while looking at stairs w/ trap overlay causes issues. ✓ if action track is allowed to go on long enough -> regular music tracks start to come back in? ✓ clear save file ✓ add "friends" label for make friends win frame ✓ pizza win doesn't have sound ✓ fade out music track like usual ✓ combine door open and punching w/ ambience ✓ update seduce and tutorial texts ✓ check all images are crunched

✓ lock down killer images for "wander shed" to be just bladed weapons / change sound effect to be stabs ✓ punch his face/head/etc? ✓ add additional attributions / finalize credits layout / music cuttoff for credits ✓ extra inputs for killer confrontations (i.e. 'move living room' during kitchen confrontation should probably give 'run away' output)

✓ destroying teddy bear with specific object text matching / two-step ending -> randomize weapon ✓ more "destroy bear" synonyms ("stab bear with scalpel") -kill teddy / kill teddy with [] ✓ remove stuff like 'face', 'head', etc for attacks ✓ seduce killer

✓ more details for "knock back" that changes text if no ones outside. ✓ book 666 two-step ending ✓ leave house ✓ add room abbreviations inputs ✓ use pinata(or tape) with tarp(or rake) -> not sure what to use tarp (or rake) with ✓ use tape (dummy 2 steps) -> use tape with pinata ✓ add "make friends" image to progress screen ✓ look stairs -> do basement door image ✓ 'scream' sound effect?

✓ win (It's not going to be that easy you know")/lose ✓ move bedside table fires off move bed ✓ verb Synonyms in general ("peer") ✓ possibly tweak ambiance timers ✓ when you look at an inv item from the inv screen, 'back' should take you back to the inv screen ✓ look map -> inv/help -> back takes you back to the item zoom ✓ immolate/self-immolate ✓ 'place pinata' -> 'use pinata' ✓ abbreviations text on look map add room abbreviations image (once it's made) ✓ (in basement) look shit -> admire shit -> overlay stays up ✓ burn 'X' (if have lighter) ✓ make timers not count if game is paused ✓ shed door sound FX ✓ ambient timer logic on tutorial screen ✓ blank [enter] on inv or help screen just gives a black screen with no text.

✓ SetImage (GetImageByName (useItem.currentState.Image)); was causing a crash if you typed 'place phone'/'place tape' or any other item that had 'checkitem' as it's image. Probably check EVERY OTHER SPOT LIKE THIS FUCK ✓ map synonyms (map of house, blueprint of my house, etc) ✓ stabbing sound for "stab self"? ✓ shoot second time/another time ✓ piss/pee ✓ ARCHIVE ALL TEXT. COMB THROUGH DOCUMENT ✓ write tutorial prompts/outputs ✓ normalize generic door/stair prompts ✓ better UseWith feedback. If only one item is recognized, maybe say "not sure what you want to use ITEM1 with" ✓ disallow placing tape recorder before dummy is complete ✓ place tape before dummy placed ("Hmm, not sure what you want to use the dummy with") ✓ tape loop if you place in basement ✓ allow "place tape" in basement ✓ put thing on ambience to not play if health is 0 or if actiontrack is playing/ ✓ stop ambience from playing if looping audio track is looping the trapsloop ✓ 'shoot' after gunshot but before kitchen ✓ should hiding in the shower do a shower close sound? same with closet? ✓ finalize outlines on progress screen (tutorial finished) ✓ menu item for tutorial ✓ fadeout + music fade out ✓ resolution doesn't adjust properly in tutorial menu ✓ Get map sound effect ✓ arrow on map ✓ disallow clicking out of text input ✓ allow pause + options ✓ inventory map item ✓ music / amb sounds ✓ removal system for 'at' etc ✓ fill out synonyms for each step

gecko231 commented 7 years ago

Very Old Things ✓ add pc on/off attribution to credits and update the timing ✓ replace instances of "Congratulations!" and "GAME OVER"

✓ maybe if "restart" or "try again" etc at workbench image it does a restart ✓ hold bear hostage with [] ✓ throw bear?

✓ things beside "threaten bear" (i.e. use bear with scalpel) don't go into the police/pizza lair victories? ✓ Danish's resolution catastrophe (hopefully will be fixed by just fixing text boxes)

✓ finish "jerking off" text ✓ open freezer -> move living room ✓ mouse highlighting ✓ options menu, if music voume is 0, it stilll plays on hoverover ONLY ON PAUSE MENYU

✓ lock off books and lair if you've shot killer ✓ "stab teddy" / destroy teddy image

✓ Menu navigation on menu/in game (FixedUpdate vs Update) ✓ response for "look behind painting" in lr ✓ if you click options from pause, then quickly hit escape, the NEXT time you pause, it will just fade to black. Probably need to reset a bool to be false after unpausing ✓ call 911 -> go h -> go br -> hide -> hide police siren + text play multiple times ✓ go out front door ✓ make 2nd killer warning always 5 before he comes

✓ look books -> full surviving name -> DOESN'T WORK ✓ call 911 -> look room -> just hangs up phone ✓ action music doesn't loop ✓ Go to bedside table triggers go to bed ✓ embalming table ✓ need different text outputs for trapmaking with bedspring and for the ending with the beartrap made with bedspring

✓ realamb8 remove static ✓ don't randomize music tracks after death, just go on to the next one

✓ action music not being muted properly ✓ all start fire stuff should kill you -> use fireplace ✓ lock down lair after killer has been shot (FOR NOW) ✓ victory theme

✓ "go upstairs" in kitchen gives incorrect response ✓ ambient8 ✓"put tarp on rake"

✓ switch current options menu image to be pause image and put tape into options

✓ " back" should work ✓ "move back yard" doesn't work ✓ shut door -> shut back door doesn't work ✓ 'use map' -> 'back' -> doesn't save overlay from prev image

✓ open drawer -> open door -> drawer close should NOT be playing ✓ phone down sound for moving ✓ inv -> help -> look lsjkfdjkldfs gives blank screen ✓ different text from "you turn the corner" if you timeout by hiding ✓ Fade out tape sound for shed endings ✓ "map" for "look map" ✓ push play on tape recorder logic ✓ set self on fire -> if you have the means -> teleports you

✓ cardboard box image at washer/dryer ✓ additional wave logic ✓ press play -> play

✓ returning from help/inv screens w/ unrecognized input when there is stored image/overlay should probably return image to those ✓ track down all sounds not getting played automatically ✓ get fluid -> open drawer -> look fluid -> use fluid ✓ After gunshot, footsteps don't play going downstairs ✓ lock "look" descriptions for hall and lr like we do for bedroom after gunshot

✓ turn off oven doesn't give any response ✓ a knife/one of the knives for confrontation ✓ fix the pistol whips ✓ loss music naming conventions (number should match secs of silence before) ✓ longer loss tracks needed (for gas death) ✓ "back" stays selected on options menu ✓ options should jump from top to bottom and vice versa ✓ call -> hide in bedr -> start gun path, pizza man knocks twice

✓ open drawer -> lift cushion -> look book -> sound of drawer plays late ✓ open freezer -> inv -> look fklsdjfdsklj ✓ call 1 -> inv -> back plays phone sounds ✓ if time-based text (pizza guy, cops, etc) shows up in yard, it shows up in shed too ✓ open dryer -> open washer -> close dryer has image error ✓ alt action track + remove curr title music from music rotation. ✓ figure out ammoniadrink / bleachdrink sounds/game over music ✓ gas mask disappears after "use pinata" / "use toaster"

✓ order pizza -> call 1 ✓ poster should be 2-layer look ✓ "look in box" -> look box ✓ "Pause"/"restart"/etc ✓ read a book -> use bookcase / read book ✓ pick up phone -> use phone ✓ if music is muted when game is started, turning it up in game settings doesn't update it ✓ check what is accepted for "back" from confrontation help/inv screens

✓ W/ master volume set at 0, music still comes back after restarts ✓ returning from help/inv screens w/ unrecognized input gives blank image

✓ turn 'peep' doesn't give any response ✓ have a nap ✓ spring images

✓ upper-case letters break confrontations ✓ put tape down should probably not give the "use things together"

✓ remove spring from bed? ✓ nap + nap in chair ✓ copy bed's 'go to sleep' logic onto arm chair -> also fire off "sleep" if not in the lr or bedr ✓ use tape with tarp and rake