dinki / View-Assist

View Assist provides visual feedback for the Home Assistant Assist Voice Assistant
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Not all weather providers have a daily forecast #23

Closed elwing00 closed 2 weeks ago

elwing00 commented 2 weeks ago

Not all weather providers have a "daily" forecast_type. NWS (https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/nws/) only has "hourly" and "twice_daily", and I suspect that other weather providers have similar quirks.

One option is updating the documentation to tell folks what to change (line 35 in https://github.com/dinki/View-Assist/blob/main/View%20Assist%20dashboard%20and%20views/views/weather/weather.yaml) or make it a variable like the weather entity itself.

dinki commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for this. I've updated with a variable that can be set and as default set it to daily. Can you try it and confirm my changes work for you with hourly and twice_daily?

dinki commented 2 weeks ago

Confirmed working by @elwing00 .. Thank you!