dinuscxj / RecyclerRefreshLayout

A pull to refresh layout for android, the RecyclerRefreshLayout is based on the SwipeRefreshLayout. support all the views, highly customizable, code simplicity, etc. really a practical RefreshLayout!
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post主动刷新的效果有了 #9

Closed junchenChow closed 7 years ago

junchenChow commented 7 years ago

refreshLayout.postDelayed(() -> refreshLayout.setRefreshing(false), 500); 调用刷新完毕会多回弹一下

dinuscxj commented 7 years ago


junchenChow commented 7 years ago

嗯 直接调用refreshLayout.setRefreshing(false) 就没有再回弹 但是delayed一下的话 弹回去了后 又上下弹了一下 具体不太清楚是啥原因 会不会是我自己的锅

dinuscxj commented 7 years ago

嗯嗯!我周末看下! refreshLayout.setRefreshing(false),但是这个函数设置fasle时 postdelayed场景确实罕见! 这个函数设置为true的场景很常见

junchenChow commented 7 years ago

这个场景主要是不想让刷新效果很快的弹回去 让上面自定义的header动画稍微延迟个几百毫秒再回去 这样感觉就不会看起来很突兀 ~ ^_^

MoonandMind commented 7 years ago


dinuscxj commented 7 years ago

@BeginsDesign demo里面是有的

MoonandMind commented 7 years ago

@dinuscxj 下载下来试一下,谢谢你!