diodechain / diode_client

Diode client written in GO that runs the Blockquick™ algorithm and a socks server to transmit data through diodechain.
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Publish several HTTP ports to internet like ngrok #108

Closed leninalive closed 1 year ago

leninalive commented 1 year ago


Is there any ability to publish more than one HTTP protocol application to the public internet?

In my setup, I would like to debug two Azure Function apps running in the docker containers on local machine, first residing on port 7071, and second on port 7072. I need to publish them to internet though they can be accessible for e.g. Azure Event Grid webhooks. However, as far as I see I can only publish one port (either 7071 or 7072) to remote 80 port though they can be accessible from outer internet, if I publish for example 7071 local port to 7071 remote port, it is not accessible by dns address http://.diode.link:7071 (nevertheless I need TLS here as Event Grid requirement).

I see only one workaround so far - run diode in separate docker containers though they will obtain different client ids and will be able to publish both ports to HTTP gateway.

  1. Is it most convenient current solution?
  2. Do you have Docker images for diode cli pre-built already? I gave up trying to find them.
dominicletz commented 1 year ago

Absolutely, the default gateway supports the additional port ranges 8000-8100 and 8400-8500

If you use a port in that range they will be mapped through as well.

diode publish -public 80:80,81:8025

Will publish your local port 80 to http://<client_id>.diode.link and 81 to https://<client_id>.diode.link:8025