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Support "locked down" network environments using a proxy for HTTP traffic and with restrictions on most other ports #15

Open hansr opened 3 years ago

hansr commented 3 years ago

Description: Some corporate networks use HTTP proxies for all traffic and often blocks other ports to restrict network communication types. Can dDrive support these environments?

Modification Area: dDrive uses port 41046 to communicate with other nodes, so may work since it is a port over 1023. However, if higher ports are also blocked, will have to consider other mechanisms to work within strict firewall environments.

Why: Large corporate environments often have strict network environments, so to use dDrive within them, dDrive will have to support an allowable communication method. Ideally dDrive will be able to support a method in these environments without requiring custom IT setup.

frank-bee commented 3 years ago

I tried to install it on my windows vm running in the locked down environment but faced issues during register. Where is the log file in windows?

hansr commented 3 years ago

Log file should be in Users/{username}/.config/ddrive/debug.log

frank-bee commented 3 years ago

I did not find that folder, not there. There is just one debug.log in the 'documents' folder of my user with an error message pointing to directory_reader_win.cc (the system cannot find the path specified (0x3)

hansr commented 3 years ago

That is strange - is dDrive loading and usable? What version of Windows is the VM running? I wonder if there is a file permission issue.

hansr commented 3 years ago

Hey @frank-bee, I wonder if this is as simple as your Explorer is not set to show all files? Like, maybe the .config directory is there, but your file/folder settings are such that it is not showing it?


dominicletz commented 3 years ago

We will need to make it easier to see and upload the debug file.