diomirox / mdownload

Manga and manhwa downloader...
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Fetch does not start without Lezhin disclaimer image #7

Closed myr-onl closed 3 months ago

myr-onl commented 4 months ago

Extension works amazing, but wanted to report this behavior in case others can reproduce. When I go to get images for chapters/content that do not begin with 'This LEZHIN comic is protected..." image, the fetch process doesn't start and I can't get any of the images.

Here's a free chapter I wasn't able to get images for: https://www.lezhinus.com/en/comic/loveillusion/e2 (sorry to incidentally post my cringe). It was mostly bonus content like this I couldn't export, but I wasn't able to get an actual chapter from the same series for seemingly the same reason.

Let me know if you need more info or if I can be of any help figuring this one out.

diomirox commented 3 months ago

Check out the new version at https://github.com/diomirox/mdownload/releases/tag/v0.2.0. If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to report them.

myr-onl commented 3 months ago

Thanks so much - I was able to grab that one chapter. I also love the new subfolders/numbering for the chapters!