dionmunk / vscode-notes

Notes is a Markdown focused notes extension for Visual Studio Code that takes inspiration from Notational Velocity and nvAlt.
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Quick access to preview? #10

Open OmgImAlexis opened 3 years ago

OmgImAlexis commented 3 years ago

Would be nice to see the note in preview mode for checklists, etc.

Maybe an icon could be added next to the rename and delete button?

dionmunk commented 3 years ago

Have you tried the side-by-side markdown preview in the top right corner of the window?


OmgImAlexis commented 2 years ago

Adding a note as a checklist and then having to hit preview then close the source. That's not really a good user experience. What I was hoping for is a toggle to open the preview instead of the source when I click the note.

dionmunk commented 2 years ago

Ah, I understand now. I apologize for closing this without getting more clarification. I'll see what I can do.