dionmunk / vscode-notes

Notes is a Markdown focused notes extension for Visual Studio Code that takes inspiration from Notational Velocity and nvAlt.
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Renaming causes deletion of note #20

Open codewilling opened 2 years ago

codewilling commented 2 years ago

Step 0) Select a note that you don't mind gets deleted. If you don't have a note that can be deleted, create a note. When you create a note, notice how the title does not need to be entered with the .md file extension. Step 1) Click on the 'Rename Note' icon (next to the trash icon) Step 2) Modify the title in the input popup (without the .md file extension, same UX as when you initially created the note) Step 3) Press enter to submit RESULT: The note gets deleted, while a popup at the bottom of vscode says '{note} renamed {newNote}'

Solution 1: remove the popup at the bottom that says '{note} renamed {newNote}' & let user know saving without .md will delete note

Solution 2: change UX to be same as when creating title. If only .md is allowed, than automatically add the extension to titles, whenever creating or updating title.