dionmunk / vscode-notes

Notes is a Markdown focused notes extension for Visual Studio Code that takes inspiration from Notational Velocity and nvAlt.
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Would it be possible to make keyboard shortcuts (`ALT+N`, `ALT+L`) configurable in future release #55

Closed afknoche closed 1 month ago

afknoche commented 1 month ago

Reason is an -- admittedly very specific -- issue with using ALT+L on a Mac with German keyboards. ALT+L is used to type the ‘@' symbol...

Which means that when the (otherwise very nice extension !) is enabled it is not possible to type ‘@' in visual code.

Obviously it still can be copied and also the extension can be disabled for the time being, so just a nuissance.... But I'm programming with python a bit more now (using decoraters and so), and then it becomes an obvious issue.

Just a suggestion, like the extension...

dionmunk commented 1 month ago

You can change the shortcut keys by opening the Command Pallet (CTRL+Shift+P on Windows or CMD+Shift+P on Mac), type in Keyboard Shortcuts, and selecting Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts.

Search for Notes: List Notes and you will see the shortcut for this set to ALT+L on Windows or OPT+L on Mac. Double-click the entry or click the pencil icon on the left side to edit this shortcut. It will ask you to press the new shortcut keys you want. The key combination should show up in the box when you press them. Then, hit Enter/Return to save your new shortcut.

Let me know if this does the trick.

afknoche commented 1 month ago

It does the trick nicely. (I just changed OPT+L to OPT+SHIFT+L -- but that is just me ;-) )

Thank you very much for your support! Now I can keep the extension enabled when working with python.