dionmunk / vscode-notes

Notes is a Markdown focused notes extension for Visual Studio Code that takes inspiration from Notational Velocity and nvAlt.
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use standard size icon for activity bar #6

Closed GorvGoyl closed 6 months ago

GorvGoyl commented 4 years ago

please use standardize icon size. icon is too tall in height.


P.S: kudos for extension. simple and gets the job done.

dionmunk commented 3 years ago

I agree with you and plan on fixing this.

xianghongai commented 2 years ago



I would appreciate it if you update the icon, It is now discordant with other Icons. 😂

Great extension, thanks for your work!

Sarctiann commented 9 months ago

I'm actually trying to put the button in the sidebar on the right, and looks worse :( image

dionmunk commented 6 months ago

Resolved by https://github.com/dionmunk/vscode-notes/commit/a8feb970ce00dff80da039571f3522bcedbf0d42.