dionmunk / vscode-notes

Notes is a Markdown focused notes extension for Visual Studio Code that takes inspiration from Notational Velocity and nvAlt.
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Default storage location #8

Open PabloDons opened 3 years ago

PabloDons commented 3 years ago

Leaving storage to the user is bad practice. VSCode has extension storage which it manages for you. The global one would replace the current method of storing notes, while the the workspace one would be a perfect solution to #4

Use case for this would be that VSCode has syncing capabilities and notes could be managed by other extensions and transferred across instances of VSCode. I currently use vscode-notes on a vscode-remote instance on a work server and notes are particularly useful for things like passwords and manuals for other users to reference.

Also please make the source available so others can contribute! This extension has massive potential

dionmunk commented 3 years ago

Source has been committed!