dionmunk / vscode-notes

Notes is a Markdown focused notes extension for Visual Studio Code that takes inspiration from Notational Velocity and nvAlt.
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Feature Request - folder structure #9

Open codeunifier opened 3 years ago

codeunifier commented 3 years ago

Love the extension so far!

It would be super helpful to have some kind of folder structure in the tree. Even if it could pick up on .md files nested in folders in the chosen root folder would be helpful.

dionmunk commented 3 years ago

This is something I've considered since the beginning, but I couldn't decide on how to generate the folder structure.

I've considered simply using a directory structure managed by the file system. I've also considered using front matter, like YAML, to set categories/tags for notes that would generate the 'folder' structure.

I'll see what I can do here.

duffwang commented 3 years ago

Just picking up .md files would be a great improvement, as it would then be cross-compatible with Obsidian.

MattGrouchy commented 2 years ago

I find the extension useful too and would like an option to create folders. Would I be able to help with generating the folder structure?

biel-correa commented 2 years ago

This is something I've considered since the beginning, but I couldn't decide on how to generate the folder structure.

I've considered simply using a directory structure managed by the file system. I've also considered using front matter, like YAML, to set categories/tags for notes that would generate the 'folder' structure.

I'll see what I can do here.

Use the file system, if you save on a YAML and a user tries to find the file things could get strange since all files could be on one folder or not. I'd recommend trying to copy the way vscode displays the projects. Other way of doing this is by adding many source folders so that users can have a note folder in every project and them link into the extension.