dioscouri / library

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Move template folder into library/template and name classes to match convention #35

Closed rdiaztushman closed 11 years ago

rdiaztushman commented 11 years ago

Also need to add JEXEC to the tops of the files and do some formatting cleanup.

rdiaztushman commented 11 years ago

This will require an update to any templates based on the sample-bootstrapped template. You'll only need to update the index.php file, which i'll also update in the repo once i make these changes

ChrisFrench commented 11 years ago

Ok cool change whatever want in there I don't have any production sites running the library classes

rdiaztushman commented 11 years ago

refs 518a3fbdb063394a79f90c2d2b864b04bfdb8a9a

rdiaztushman commented 11 years ago

Only need to change your template's index.php FROM:

$dsctpl = JPATH_SITE . '/libraries/dioscouri/template/view/site.php';
if (!file_exists($dsctpl)) {
    echo JText::_('DSC_TMPL_NOT_FOUNT');


if (!class_exists('DSCTemplateSite')) {
    echo JText::_('DSC_TMPL_NOT_FOUNT');