diplodoc-platform / transform

Simple transformer YFM (Yandex Flavored Markdown) to HTML.
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Feature Request: Add Captions to Images #514

Open martyanovandrey opened 1 day ago

martyanovandrey commented 1 day ago


The current version of YFM allows users to add images with alt-text and title props. To enhance image context and readability, i propose utilizing the figcaption HTML tag for rendering captions. To enable the display of the caption you need to add the { caption } as attribute, the default value is equal to the title, but it can also be passed in the attribute

Example Syntax

![Alt text](_images/image.png "Caption text" =100x100){ caption }

In this example, the "Caption text" should be rendered within a figcaption tag below the image.

Example HTML Output

The resulting HTML should look like this:

    <img src="_images/image.png" alt="Alt text" width="100" height="100" title="Caption text">
    <figcaption>Caption text</figcaption>


bongiozzo commented 1 day ago

Is it possible to use global setting for using Alt text as Caption?

Backward compatibility is understood - so, new setting is needed.

Caption under Image is expected behavior actually. It's most common use, GitBook generates captions this way also. KISS principle without additional attributes.

bongiozzo commented 4 hours ago


Another markdown which treats [Alt part] as image's caption