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Add first basic version of wiki #106

Closed Korosensei42 closed 5 years ago

Korosensei42 commented 5 years ago

The goal is to add a wiki within the web interface such that the user has a reference where to start from.

Korosensei42 commented 5 years ago

@TimothyGillespie You are correct in your review. Thank you very much! At first I put content before design. We can extend on the latter one later.

Korosensei42 commented 5 years ago

This solves #102 as well, now.

Korosensei42 commented 5 years ago

Regarding the -1: I think this is actually correct, as from 0 to 4 there are 5 chraracters, matching the number of characters in "Sonne". The other requested changed were adressed.

TimothyGillespie commented 5 years ago

With the right logic it can fit, but it should be clarified then and make sure it's consistent with the format errors.

Let's say we have the input "Sonne". Then 0 would be "S", 1 would be "o", 2 would be "n", 3 would be "n", 4 would be "e"

This system would make sense if you count the letters as the index.

If positions are inbetween the letter, then 0 would be before S. 1 would be before the o. 2 would be before the first n. 3 would be before the second n. 4 would be before the e. 5 would be after the e.

So with that system 5 would make sense.

I made a thinking error with the first version. Now that I spelled it out I where I went wrong.

I agree we can make the index based on the character and not the position inbetween the characters.

We should see that this is consistent with syntactical errors.

For the marking in the text this would mean we have to add +1 to the end index to set the <mark> tags at the right positions (for future reference regarding #18)

I agree with the positions in this way. We should keep this in mind as standard then.

TimothyGillespie commented 5 years ago

This will also solve #81