diprokon / ng-table-virtual-scroll

Virtual Scroll for Angular Material Table
MIT License
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Angular 14 update planned? #107

Closed SolidOctoEnigma closed 1 year ago

SolidOctoEnigma commented 1 year ago

Is Angular 14 update planned, in progress or there is not plan for it yet?

diprokon commented 1 year ago

@SolidOctoEnigma is there any issues to use this lib with angular 14/15? Does it require any update?

Moik commented 1 year ago

@diprokon After updating the app to Angular 15 we are getting the error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_switchDataSource'). Also paginator property in TableVirtualScrollDataSource has incompatible type with Material paginator

diprokon commented 1 year ago

Ok, thanks for reporting I will check soon

harry-kalligeros commented 1 year ago

Any progress on this ?

motabass commented 1 year ago

The error seems to come from the angular-material 15 update. Angular 15 works for me. But with latest angular material 15.0.3 i also get the error

btw.: I*m still using MatLegacyTableModule instead of the new MDC variant.

motabass commented 1 year ago

I made a simple workaround by using #virtualScrollTable istead of the class name for referencing the mat-table. Maybe that helps?


diprokon commented 1 year ago

After my investigation, there is no issues with Angular 15 or Angular Material 15. Everything works as before

On the other hand, there described issues presented, if "Legacy" table is used (MatLegacyTableModule). Fix for it will be in the next release (in couple days)

TobiDimmel commented 1 year ago

@diprokon Have your tried the example with sticky header? It doesn't work with the new MDC-based MatTable since the CSS-classes have changed.

I did a basic update process with the Angular CLI for the repository and added a fix for the sticky header problem (see /TobiDimmel/ng-table-virtual-scroll/tree/angular-v15). I can make a PR if you want.

One thought to MatLegacyTableModule: maybe a proper solution is to also provide a legacy module to align it with the Angular Material approach.

danielfnz commented 1 year ago

Any progress on this ?

jb-oahmed commented 5 months ago

I'm still seeing this issue with TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_switchDataSource') at TableItemSizeDirective.ngAfterContentInit (ng-table-virtual-scroll.mjs:251:50). I'm using Angular version 16 with the MatLegacyTableModule. Is there a planned fix?