diprokon / ng-table-virtual-scroll

Virtual Scroll for Angular Material Table
MIT License
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Zebra styling #83

Open aleixjf opened 2 years ago

aleixjf commented 2 years ago

Good afternoon! So the issue is that on the original Mat Table I used the odd/even to assign each row a different class and apply "zebra styling":

          *matHeaderRowDef="displayedColumns; sticky: true"
        <!-- INFO: We will set odd when it's really even because the header row is also counted! -->
          *matRowDef="let row; let even = even; columns: displayedColumns"
          [ngClass]="{ odd: even, even: !even }"

The issue is that once I use your Directive, the odd/even are reassigned every time an item enter/leaves the visible section, I presume, and it alters the odd/even property to its opposite. The problem is that the CSS is reapplied to that row with the opposite style (on all rows simultaneously), creating a very bad visual effect.