<div id="my-treeselect"></div> const domElement = document.querySelector('#my-treeselect') const treeselect = new Treeselect({ parentHtmlContainer: domElement, value: [], options: data });
What I want to do is to post the data I selected in the my-treeselect div with an html form. I want to get the IDs of the selected ones. I couldn't find a way to do this.
Hello, @mrtsglk, as I see I missed this logic. I will fix it in the feature. For now, I can suggest creating a hidden input and setting a value from the treeselect.value before the post
<div id="my-treeselect"></div> const domElement = document.querySelector('#my-treeselect') const treeselect = new Treeselect({ parentHtmlContainer: domElement, value: [], options: data });
What I want to do is to post the data I selected in the my-treeselect div with an html form. I want to get the IDs of the selected ones. I couldn't find a way to do this.