dircr / nfsen-ng-docker

Docker setup for running nfsen-ng (Netflow visualizer) and nfdump (Netflow collector) together.
Apache License 2.0
18 stars 15 forks source link

Got 400 - Bad Request. rrd_xport failed. opening '/var/www/html/backend/datasources/data/router1.rrd': No such file or directory #4

Open adarshharisree opened 2 years ago

adarshharisree commented 2 years ago


I am getting the below error after installation.

Got 400 - Bad Request. rrd_xport failed. opening '/var/www/html/backend/datasources/data/router1.rrd': No such file or directory


I have only completed the installation, the router side configuration is pending is this the reason for the file missing ????

dircr commented 2 years ago

I have only completed the installation, the router side configuration is pending is this the reason for the file missing ????

Most probably yes. The message says there's no data to show.

Please configure your router and let us know if that helped.

Arrigi commented 1 year ago

Similar issue here. Haven't investigated a lot yet, but I can definitely see data in the shared folder and can also read it.

:~/nfsen-ng-docker/profiles-data/live/router1/2022/12/20 $ ls -lh
total 132K
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  276 Dec 20 09:35 nfcapd.202212200830
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  364 Dec 20 09:40 nfcapd.202212200835
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 122K Dec 20 09:45 nfcapd.202212200840


$ nfdump -r nfcapd.202212200840 
Date first seen          Event  XEvent Proto      Src IP Addr:Port          Dst IP Addr:Port     X-Src IP Addr:Port        X-Dst IP Addr:Port   In Byte Out Byte
2022-12-20 09:40:38.000 INVALID  Ignore TCP ->        ->          472        0

The files are readable. However, I get the same view as above :)

Arrigi commented 1 year ago

This one was my bad. I had checked whether nfsen-ng itself is compatible with php8 and changed the base image. This obviously wasn't compatible with the rest of the configuration.

Changing it back to php-7.4 fixed it for me.