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[SECURITY] Authentication Bypass by Forceful Browsing #987

Open ybelenko opened 5 years ago

ybelenko commented 5 years ago

Feature Request

About audited Directus version. It has been cloned from suite repo. Latest commit


Unauthenticated attackers can bypass the application's authentication enforcement and directly access internal components, effectively circumventing the authentication credentials validation phase.

Business risk:

An attacker can get an access to the possible sensitive files.

Technical details:

Forceful Browsing attacks (direct access to internal components) can be used to exploit incomplete authentication enforcement in the server-side application. The forceful browsing technique enables attackers to access internal sensitive components, without undergoing the application authentication credentials validation phase.

Through the following link it is possible to get an access to application images that should be accessible after the authentication.



What problem does this feature solve?

Fixes security hole.

How do you think this should be implemented?

Would you be willing to work on this?

Maybe, with help/guidance from Directus team.

Nitwel commented 5 years ago

Hmm, there is the option that you can enable/disable public access to the files collection but I guess it was forgotten to add these rules to the thumbnailer too.

Nitwel commented 5 years ago

Also, isnt this the same issue as in #986 ? The app side loads these images using the thumbnailer which would be as described in the other issue.

ybelenko commented 5 years ago

Also, isnt this the same issue as in #986 ?

Yeah, kinda. I added this issue just because security department suggested different solutions("How do you think this should be implemented" section) from referenced one.

itsmerhp commented 5 years ago

@benhaynes This issue is identical to #986, to resolve this we have to restrict files directly being accessed and implement a script in which files are restricted for logged in user only, and we have to place the script API side where the files are being accessed.

benhaynes commented 5 years ago

Makes sense. Will this effect caching, CDNs, latency, etc? Are there any drawbacks to this approach? If so, we should look into making it optional — especially since we'll be switching to UUID naming, which isn't "guessable" (part of the problem).

Any estimate on how long this will take to implement @itsmerhp?

ping @rijkvanzanten

hemratna commented 5 years ago

@benhaynes Yes, It will effect on caching, CDNs, and latency.

According to approch provided by @itsmerhp We should give an option for each image for the access permissions.

For example, the logo doesn't need any access permission. So one should set the public permission for logo file.

If you set the private permission then it will require token to token access the file. We also need to increase (or make customizable) the ttl time for access_token as currently, we have 5 min which is very small for CDN and other caching services.

We may think for a special token which only uses for accessing the image.

According to me, we should implement the UUID first,

  1. The image name UUID supported (give an option in the to use the UUID in the file name)
  2. Add access permission for each file.

@rijkvanzanten Let me know your thoughts. So we can finalize the approach.

benhaynes commented 5 years ago

Thanks @hemratna — that seems like a great approach. I agree that we should start with UUID since that partially solves the problem. After that we can write the permission gateway to secure files, which I think should be off by default (so files are public).

With the individual file permissions, files would still need to go through the permission gateway to check if each are public/private, right? Would we want a global option so we can completely ignore that check if the admin sets all files to public?

hemratna commented 5 years ago

@benhaynes We can start with UUID for the file name, which is also configurable by giving the options in the admin panel.

Regarding the file permission, We will give a global option for access permission.

itsmerhp commented 5 years ago

@benhaynes As @hemratna suggested, we will have a toggle button in APP to ON / OFF UUID for the file name. Question: What should be the default file naming option UUID or Original name?

benhaynes commented 5 years ago

Instead of a toggle, let's use a Dropdown of options for file name. That will be more future-proof if we want to add more options in the future.

It looks like UUID will be the file name convention... by a hair!!

binal-7span commented 5 years ago

It will be partially fixed with the development of #337

rijkvanzanten commented 5 years ago

@bjgajjar I think it fixes this fully actually 🙂 Having UUIDs for filenames fixes this problem. Changing the filenaming from UUID to a less-safe option is a user decision.

binal-7span commented 5 years ago

@rijkvanzanten But I think this will not resolve our private permission issue. Am I right?

rijkvanzanten commented 5 years ago

Ah good point. I got confused by the other issue that references the "guessability" of the names

itsmerhp commented 5 years ago

@benhaynes @hemratna If we set global permission regarding file permission, then a user can either permit all the files to the public or none.

I have a few questions in it: Question 1: Are we going to facilitate global permission user specific or it will be applicable for the entire system? For example: If a user has set global files permission to private then only that user is going to access, not even admins? Or if global permission set to private then all the users of that system can access all the files but not public? Question 2: What if admin wants to give files permissions to the specific role's all users, but not public or other users?

Regarding file permission, we can give role-based permissions also, but as per me, there seem two problems in it. Problem 1: All files are storing in the directus_files table and I think for core collections we don't have "mine" option and due to that we can't restrict that roles can see and modify their files only.

Problem 2: For example File interface has been used in a collection as a field and for that collection, a role has not permission but for File Library(directus_files) that role has permission, then in that case how to restrict the listing of files of that collection in file directory?

benhaynes commented 5 years ago

Global vs Storage Adapter

We could make this a global setting, but I think it make more sense to have this be a configuration option for the storage adapter. That way you could have all local files be private, but have all s3 file be public. That seems like a good amount of granularity... especially when we allow for choosing the adapter per upload (later).

How this works...

Question 1

Set for the each storage adapter, regardless of the role/user. Either way permissions would decide if you can see the asset through the App... but if set to public then you could still view the asset after logging out (since you know the actual asset URL).

Question 2

You can still do this for public and private files... but public files can still be accessed when the user is not authenticated (if they know the exact asset URL).

Problem 1

We should use the existing directus_files.uploaded_by field for this mine permission. This seems like a different ticket... so let's wait on this. The focus here is allowing files to be private at the storage adapter level.

Problem 2

To keep things simple, I think we keep everything the same... but if you do not have access to Directus Files, then you're "Choose Existing Files" modal would be empty, and any relationships to files you don't have permission to would be NULL (or however this works for other collections/data now).

Does all this make sense?

TL;DR: We should add the ability to make files private at the storage adapter level, and those files get routed through a gateway that checks auth/permission. Any other features should be in a new ticket.

hemratna commented 5 years ago

Global vs Storage Adapter

We could make this a global setting, but I think it make more sense to have this be a configuration option for the storage adapter. That way you could have all local files be private, but have all s3 file be public. That seems like a good amount of granularity... especially when we allow for choosing the adapter per upload (later).

Just to make things more clear, We also need to give support for the multiple adapters of the same storage type. For example, One can have two S3 bucket one used for public files and one for private files, or S3 bucket for private files and local for public files.

How this works...

  • Private — If a storage adapter is set to private, then all asset requests are routed through a gateway that checks auth/permission and the true asset URL/UUID is never seen. Perhaps something that extends the API files endpoint:

Instead of writing gateway, can we use AWS S3 ACL Benefits.

Writing our own gateway has some downsides,

  1. The file will be copied from S3 to our server temp directory and from temp directory, it will be served to the client(browser). In this case, it will consume (nearly) twice the bandwidth.
  2. Streaming the video may create some issue.
  3. Not sure above the effect on CDN and other caching services.

Implementing the ONLY AWS S3 ACL will not support private file mode for local adapter.

Question 1

Set for the each storage adapter, regardless of the role/user. Either way permissions would decide if you can see the asset through the App... but if set to public then you could still view the asset after logging out (since you know the actual asset URL).

Agreed, In the future, we might require an option for role wise permission, For example, admin can see all the media, but user can only see their's media.

hemratna commented 5 years ago

How to use AWS S3 ACL?

If the media is uploaded to storge which is set to private, and the current user has permission to access the file, append_storage_information function will generate S3 URL with append extra query params like X-Amz-Security-Token, X-Amz-Expires and other required information.

In case the user doesn't have permission this will return a blank string.

We also use the same concept for all the other file adapter which support inbuilt ACL like DigitalOcean Spaces, Google Cloud Storage, etc.

benhaynes commented 5 years ago

Thanks @hemratna! It seems like there are some great benefits to using the S3 ACL. Maybe we should have a core (local) gateway as a fallback, but progressive enhancements for other storage adapters (eg: S3)?

We could start with whichever is easier (S3 ACL or local gateway) and to the other later. The important thing is having support for private files somewhere.

@rijkvanzanten — thoughts on this approach?

rijkvanzanten commented 5 years ago

We've discussed serving files through the API instead of relying on the webserver before (in that case to figure out the CORS config). Doing that would also allow us to make files actually private by relying on the Directus API ACL.

benhaynes commented 5 years ago

Do you have a sense of time needed to integrate each of these options? @hemratna

Perhaps we should start with the global/local/fallback/default with an API endpoint that returns actual files (based on auth/acl)? Once we have that we could look into progressive enhancements for S3, etc.


hemratna commented 5 years ago

@itsmerhp Any thoughts on the timeline?

rijkvanzanten commented 5 years ago


itsmerhp commented 5 years ago

Hello @benhaynes @hemratna As discussed in the above comments,

Please let me know if I am missing anything for initial implementation.

rijkvanzanten commented 5 years ago

There will be two settings options for a storage adaptor

  1. Private: Only user who has uploaded file can only access the file, including logo image.
  2. Public: Files will be accessible publicly, not even login needed for it.

Can we also support role for private? So it's more in line with regular permissions none / mine / role / full


benhaynes commented 5 years ago

I like that @rijkvanzanten — but then would we also want some sort of none? Or does that not make sense for files?

Also, remember that this is a setting for the whole Storage Adapter! :)

rijkvanzanten commented 5 years ago

That makes sense to me. A user role can have permission to create files, but not read them. This is the same with the ability to create new items in the CMS, but not read them (useful for user submissions)

benhaynes commented 5 years ago

Ahh, true! Forgot about those external apps. 😉

itsmerhp commented 5 years ago

Hello @benhaynes I agree with @rijkvanzanten, we should set role-wise permissions for files and existing permission logic should be used to allow/restrict file access.

If we use role-wise permission(App > Roles & Permissions) for files accessibility, then public/private can't be applied storage adaptor wise(for eg. can't set one local storage public and another private), permissions will be applied for all the files of all the local storage adaptors.

Approx Timeline: 40 hours

benhaynes commented 5 years ago

Perfect — thank you @itsmerhp!

This all sounds good, and the timeline works... but let's wait on starting this until the App is "stable". We have a much higher ticket count on the App and we should get most of those resolved before starting in on a bigger overhaul like this one.

In the meantime, if an external dev wants to give it a try we can help guide them and review the PR! But internally we need to triage the whole platform first.

Sound good?

hemratna commented 5 years ago

Currently, the AWS S3 ACL for the private file is also not working. Please consider adding the support for this.