dirkgroenen / mopidy-mopify

A web client that uses external web services to provide additional features and a more “complete” music experience.
Apache License 2.0
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Updated dependencies and Bigfixes #227

Closed tobiasstrebitzer closed 7 years ago

tobiasstrebitzer commented 7 years ago

In brief, this Pull Request resolves bugs and errors caused by recent Spotify-API changes, along with some other side-effects, bugs and javascript-errors.

In detail, this Pull Request includes the following changes:

  1. Update angular from 1.2.7 to 1.5.6.
  2. Update angular-spotify from 1.4.2 to 1.5.1 to resolve various bugs related to recent changes in the Spotify-API.
  3. Updated Spotify API response resolutions in various locations, necessary to work with the upgraded angular-spotify version.
  4. Resolves null/undefined type handling / conditionals in various locations, which have caused unwanted side-effects and bugs.
  5. Refactored the Discover/Browse section to consistently deliver browse results and omit inefficient and redundant queries to the Spotify API.
  6. Refactored Artist detail page to load basic metadata (artist image, cover image) via the Spotify API.
  7. Refactored Artist list page and controller, by changing the API collection from "User Artists" to "Followed Artists" (it seems the "User Artists" API is no longer provided by Spotify).
dirkgroenen commented 7 years ago

Thanks @tobiasstrebitzer, your efforts are appreciated big time :+1:

I'll be away from my desk/home this upcoming week but I'll definitely try to test these changes out as soon as possible. I'll make sure to kick-out a new release if everything works.