dirkschumacher / iUPB

A popular app for the University of Paderborn, Germany [project is dead]
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 2 forks source link

swipe support (finally!?) #48

Open MichaelWhi opened 11 years ago

MichaelWhi commented 11 years ago

maybe some of the old code is reusable: https://github.com/search?q=swipe+%40dirkschumacher&ref=simplesearch&type=Code

requested by android user Julian: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.yippie.iupb.app&reviewId=Z3A6QU9xcFRPRUJzdkVxaE9ONVRsX3NaSkM4dGh3R1oyMGowbnhxVG9VOGRwM3FMTVJhTzhTeHBjeVVhendpOU9jTk4wcUI3Q3pGU1E4cjBDMUcwUDFGbFE

MichaelWhi commented 10 years ago

whaaaaaat: http://eightmedia.github.io/hammer.js/ --> Hammer.js: You can touch this!