dirkschumacher / iUPB

A popular app for the University of Paderborn, Germany [project is dead]
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Creating non-Paul recurring event doesn't show up in timetable #62

Open Siedlerchr opened 10 years ago

Siedlerchr commented 10 years ago


I just created a new non-Paul event for my sport course, I got no error all was OK, but the course/event doesn't show up in the timetable: I also tried logout/logon again, but that didn't fix it :(

Here ist the input Data: http://www.i-upb.de/de/timetable/new Name: Sport... Starttime: 16.10.2013 20:30 Endtime: 16.10.2013 22:00 Ort: Tanzsaal, SP2 Recurring event: true -weekly -Enddate of Recurring at 29.01.2014

Thx in advance for fixing, Regards siedlerchr

MichaelWhi commented 10 years ago

Hi Christoph, thanks for reporting this. And thanks a lot for the detailed description how to reproduce :+1:

So, it turns out this is kinda intended behavior: since no courses at the UPB are held after eight pm, we do not prepare a 'cell' in the timetable calendar for such lates dates... We do this to not waste display space for the average, smartphone user. Your course is at eight thirty, and thus not shown in the visual calendar. However, it should display correctly in the list at the bottom of the page, and should also show up correctly in any exported or subscribed calendars (iCal, Outlook, smart phone).

I'll still keep this issue open... We are redesigning iUPB a little bit, maybe we can extend the timetable for some users with custom events... Before I promise this feature, however, we will first check at the beginning of the semester how many users have custom events not visible in the calendar view.

@Siedlerchr: How do you think about this? Would you rather see a larger calendar for every week because of your one event at 8:30 or are you fine with it showing up in the list? To be honest, we do not really know whether our users use the visual calendar view or the list... ;)

Siedlerchr commented 10 years ago


thanks for the answer. It shows up in the list, that's ok for me and it also shows up in my google calendar where I imported i-upb. For me it's ok now.

I don't use any smartphone, so I can not tell anything about the height/widht of the view. Maybe the option would be, to automatically select the new custom event in the list, to show the user, Ok, it's there.

Regards, Siedlerchr