dirkschumacher / iUPB

A popular app for the University of Paderborn, Germany [project is dead]
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 2 forks source link

Enable a digital students ID and digital Mensa Payment via smartphone #72

Open MichaelWhi opened 10 years ago

MichaelWhi commented 10 years ago

... With some partners and The STWPB?

Talk to @MichaelWhi for more Info about the idea :)

ironjan commented 10 years ago

It's a nice idea to pay my mensa food with my smartphone. Unfortunately I don't think the STW is ready for that - at least regarding privacy. (0)

Also they don't use an open system for payments - and we all know how long it took to get a half-open access to menu plans.

(0) Every transaction you make, every food ever bought (with all related data like weight) is saved. Forever. AFAIK this is never mentioned on any of the STW's pages. See https://fsmi.uni-paderborn.de/fileadmin/matik/matik_66.pdf p. 24

MichaelWhi commented 10 years ago

Interesting article! This was just an idea and not a current project, no fear ;) But I think with a solution based on optical recognition and/or bluetooth le privacy issues are basically the same - the problem ain't a unique ID but the STWPB saving all transactions on their servers.