dirkvdb / ffmpegthumbnailer

Lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by file managers to create thumbnails for video files
GNU General Public License v2.0
553 stars 72 forks source link

Curated list of MIME types #231

Closed MoonSweep closed 2 months ago

MoonSweep commented 11 months ago


I use ffmpegthumbnailer with pcmanfm on Debian unstable. Long story short, after a big update some days ago, they didn't generate thumbnails for AVI files anymore, and after a long hunt, I found that the "culprit" was shared-mime-info which changed this type from video/x-msvideo to video/vnd.avi, which wasn't listed in ffmpegthumbnailer's desktop file.

Although adding video/vnd.avi in the file was sufficient to fix the problem (which I noticed you already did in the master branch), I built a curated list of video MIME types, compliant with shared-mime-info 2.4.

Here are the steps I used to build it:

Compared to the current list, some types were removed, either because they're only aliases, or because they're not listed by shared-mime-info at all (so a file manager won't even ask a thumbnailer to generate thumbnails for them, just like I experienced with AVI files):

If ffmpegthumbnailer is actually intelligent enough to read those playlists, choose a video file, and generate a thumbnail for it, then I guess audio/x-ms-asx could be added.

So this new list contains no aliases, nor unrecognized types. It should be easier to maintain.


For information, here is an analysis on the current list (in alphabetical order):

application/mxf                 mime-type
application/vnd.rn-realmedia    mime-type
application/x-matroska          mime-type
video/3gp                       alias of video/3gpp
video/3gpp                      mime-type
video/divx                      alias of video/vnd.avi
video/dv                        mime-type
video/fli                       alias of video/x-flic
video/flv                       alias of video/x-flv
video/jpeg                      non-existent
video/mp2t                      mime-type
video/mp4                       mime-type
video/mp4v-es                   alias of video/mp4
video/mpeg                      mime-type
video/msvideo                   alias of video/vnd.avi
video/ogg                       mime-type
video/quicktime                 mime-type
video/vivo                      alias of video/vnd.vivo
video/vnd.avi                   mime-type
video/vnd.divx                  alias of video/vnd.avi
video/vnd.mpegurl               mime-type
video/vnd.rn-realvideo          mime-type
video/vnd.vivo                  mime-type
video/webm                      mime-type
video/x-anim                    mime-type
video/x-avi                     alias of video/vnd.avi
video/x-flc                     non-existent
video/x-fli                     alias of video/x-flic
video/x-flic                    mime-type
video/x-flv                     mime-type
video/x-m4v                     alias of video/mp4
video/x-matroska                mime-type
video/x-mpeg                    alias of video/mpeg
video/x-mpeg2                   alias of video/mpeg
video/x-ms-asf                  alias of application/vnd.ms-asf
video/x-ms-asx                  non-existent
video/x-msvideo                 alias of video/vnd.avi
video/x-ms-wm                   alias of audio/x-ms-asx
video/x-ms-wmv                  mime-type
video/x-ms-wmx                  alias of audio/x-ms-asx
video/x-ms-wvx                  alias of audio/x-ms-asx
video/x-nsv                     mime-type
video/x-ogm+ogg                 mime-type
video/x-theora+ogg              mime-type


-- Raphaël

MoonSweep commented 9 months ago

Ping ?

MoonSweep commented 9 months ago

Also application/ogg could be added (video/ogg is a sub-class of it).

dirkvdb commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I updated the desktop file