dirkwhoffmann / Moira

A Motorola 68000 emulator written in C++
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Best m68k disassembler #10

Closed dirkwhoffmann closed 2 years ago

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

I've started to add disassembler support for MMU instructions.

A little background: Moiras disassembler is verified by the testrunner app. For each opcode, testrunner disassembles the instruction with Moira, Musashi, and vdam68k. After that, it matches the outputs. For some opcodes, I've observed that the output of Musashi snd vdam68k are not only syntactically different (which is OK), but also semantically.

What I'd like to have (but may not exist) is a really reliable disassembler that can be treated as a golden reference where I can compare to. Originally, I thought vdam68k could serve this purpose, but it can't (at least not in the LINE-F area).

If somebody has suggestions for such a golden reference disassembler, please let me know.

P.S.: I've also looked at the Online Disassembler (which is really nice), but it doesn't seem to be perfect either. E.g., it doesn't know of any MMU command at all.

EDIT: Here is an example of such a difference:

Instruction: [10] 0trapeq   #$10101; (extension = $1) (2-3) (Musashi)
             [10] 0trapeq   #$10101; (extension = $1) (2-3)  (Moira)

             [8] ptrapbc.l #0x10001                       (Vda68k, Motorola)
             [8] ptrapbc.l #0x10001                       (Moira)

             [8] ptrapbc.l #0x10001                       (Vda68k, MIT)
             [8] ptrapbc.l #0x10001                       (Moira)

Setup:   PC: 1000  Opcode: f07b  Ext1: 0001  Ext2: 0001  Ext3: 0001 (SUPERVISOR MODE)
         CCR: f5  VBR: 01  SFC: 01  DFC: 01  CACR: 01 CAAR: 01

Musashi and Vda68k differ in both the operand ($10101 vs. $10001) and the instruction size (10 bytes vs. 8 bytes).

mras0 commented 2 years ago

For one-off stuff I find Asm-pro to be very good, but that won't integrate with any kind of automatic testing. Might be an idea to ask on EAB (mentioning the usecase) since I regularly see the authors/maintainers of prominent disassemblers posting.

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

Automatic verification of Line-F instructions has turned out to be a dead end, so I've decided to crawl through this area manually. I've started with the FPU range and here is the first inconsistency:

   5: F200 1185:   Musashi: [4] FPU (?).x   FP4, FP3
                   vda68k:  [8] fbf.l   0x11851002

vd68k treats F200 1185 as a FBcc instruction which seems wrong to me. According to what I see in the docs, bit 7 in the first word has to be set for FBcc:

Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-26 um 14 17 42
BartmanAbyss commented 2 years ago

EDIT: Here is an example of such a difference:

Instruction: [10] 0trapeq   #$10101; (extension = $1) (2-3) (Musashi)
             [10] 0trapeq   #$10101; (extension = $1) (2-3)  (Moira)

             [8] ptrapbc.l #0x10001                       (Vda68k, Motorola)
             [8] ptrapbc.l #0x10001                       (Moira)

             [8] ptrapbc.l #0x10001                       (Vda68k, MIT)
             [8] ptrapbc.l #0x10001                       (Moira)

Setup:   PC: 1000  Opcode: f07b  Ext1: 0001  Ext2: 0001  Ext3: 0001 (SUPERVISOR MODE)
         CCR: f5  VBR: 01  SFC: 01  DFC: 01  CACR: 01 CAAR: 01

Musashi and Vda68k differ in both the operand ($10101 vs. $10001) and the instruction size (10 bytes vs. 8 bytes).

m68k-amiga-elf-objdump.exe says: f07b 0001 0001 ptrapbc.l #65537

BartmanAbyss commented 2 years ago

5: F200 1185: Musashi: [4] FPU (?).x FP4, FP3 vda68k: [8] fbf.l 0x11851002

m68k-amiga-elf-objdump.exe says: f200 .short 0xf200

mras0 commented 2 years ago

Asm-pro also doesn't recognize $f200, $1185 (decodes it as LINE_F). Attempting to execute it on my 060 triggers an unhandled line f exception (the "expected" unhandled FPU instructions like "fsincos" are handled in software).

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

Originally, I thought the disassembler will be the easy part ๐Ÿ˜…. That's because I came from the 6502 for which writing a disassembler is a no-brainer.

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

This one is also interesting:

       F200 5c1a: Moira:   [4] fneg.?  D0, FP0
                  Musashi: [4] fmovecr   #$1a, fp0
                  vda68k:  [4] fmovecr.x #0x1a,fp0

It's a FNEG instruction with an invalid source specifier (valid values are between 0 and 6).

Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-26 um 18 42 56

On the M6888x, it's mapped to the FMOVEC instruction which does not exist on the 68040.

Now, the question is if F200 5c1a causes an illegal instruction exception on the 68040+. In this case, we should disassemble it to ILLEGAL.

mras0 commented 2 years ago

Originally, I thought the disassembler will be the easy part ๐Ÿ˜…. That's because I came from the 6502 for which writing a disassembler is a no-brainer.

Still child's play compared to the horrors of doing a 16/32/64-bit x86 disassembler. Might be something for your next project ;)

From the EAB thread it looks like Bartman's suggestion of objdump or disassembler.library (might work with vamos) are the best suggestions, but dunno if that helps.

It's a FNEG instruction with an invalid source specifier (valid values are between 0 and 6). Now, the question is if F200 5c1a causes an illegal instruction exception on the 68040+. In this case, we should disassemble it to ILLEGAL.

On my 060 after

    fmove.l #....,fp0
    dc.w $f200, $5c1a
    fmove.s fp0,d0

fp0 (d0) is set to zero (other fp registers unaffected)

Edit: Asm-pro also decodes it as FMOVECR.X #$1A,FP0 and it's probably handled like that by 040/060.library.

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

Might be something for your next project ;)

Never ever. ๐Ÿ˜‰

From the EAB thread it looks like Bartman's suggestion of objdump or disassembler.library (might work with are the best suggestions

Oups, I missed most of today's replies (I didn't get notified need to adjust my EAB settings). Yes, this sounds promising and I'll definitely look into it.

and it's probably handled like that by 040/060.library

OK, I start to understand. My plan was to skip all 6888x-only instructions because I want to restrict myself to the 68040. Now, I understand that this doesn't make sense. The 68040 achieves compatibility with the M6888x by implementing all missing instructions in software.

So I need to change my plans. The disassembler needs to support the full range of (M6888x) FPU instructions. My exec handlers can be kept simpler though. They can just trigger an exception when a 6888x-only instruction is discovered.

mras0 commented 2 years ago

So I need to change my plans. The disassembler needs to support the full range of (M6888x) FPU instructions. My exec handlers can be kept simpler though. They can just trigger an exception when a 6888x-only instruction is discovered.

Yes, notice that in MC68000PRM FMOVECR is listed as (MC6888X,M68040FPSP). "SP" being the sofware package that MC intended vendors to include. There's something similar for 060 which also handles e.g. 32x32 -> 64 multiplication that the 060 dropped HW support for. These don't seem to be so easy to come by these days, but I managed to track down the 060SP (I imagine the 040 one is very similar) and have included it here for your reference: MC68060SP.zip

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

@mithrendal has kindly wrapped @BartmanAbyss's TypeScript parser with a command line interface. After fixing minor issues with argument parsing, it works as expected:

hoff@MacBook-Pro Bartman % node dasm.js 0xF200 0x5c1a 0x333
match: {
  name: 'fmovecrx',
  size: 4,
  opcode: 4026555392,
  match: 4060085248,
  args: 'Ii#CF7',
  arch: 112,
  type: 1
f2 00 5c 1a 03 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
$f200 $5c1a : fmovecrx #26,fp0

At first glance, accuracy of the binutils disassembler seems to be pretty good. Thus, I think I should add a DASM_GNUcompatibility mode (similar to the existing DASM_MUSASHI mode) that can be used for automated unit testing (the existing `DASM_VDA68K_xxx' modes can then be trashed). A drawback of this approach is that I need to call a shell tool from within my code for each instruction to disassemble.

mras0 commented 2 years ago

Actually extracting the code (like Bartman did) and just keeping it in C wasn't too difficult:


Only very very lightly tested, but seems to work. Note I added a replacement function for floatformat_to_double that may not be completely correct for extended precision numbers (only tested with one value).

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

Actually extracting the code (like Bartman did) and just keeping it in C wasn't too difficult

Wow, that's awesome news! ๐Ÿ‘ I'll integrate it asap.

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

I've integrated the new disassembler in the TestRunner app and added a new style called DASM_GNU (which is producing garbage results at the moment). The next step will be to match the Binutils output one by one with this style. Once this is done, I'll remove the deprecated styles DASM_VDA68K_MOT and DASM_VDA68K_MIT.


Instruction: [4] ori.b   #$1, D0                          (Musashi)
             [4] ori.b   #$1, D0                          (Moira)

             [4] ori.b #1,d0                              (Binutils)
             [4] ori.b   #$1,                             (Moira)

             [4] ori.b   #0x1,d0                          (Vda68k, Motorola)
             [4] ori.b   #0x1,d0                          (Moira)

             [4] ori.b   #0x1,d0                          (Vda68k, MIT)
             [4] ori.b   #0x1,d0                          (Moira)
mras0 commented 2 years ago

Noticed I accidentally left in a "debug printf" in the floatformat_to_double function (here)

BTW if you don't want to bother with the memstream stuff, it's easy to change the fprintf_func to something else: just cast the stream pointer, which BTW was a void* in the original source, to something else and/or the fprintf_ftype, and use sprintf and append to a string buffer. But what you did works as well of course.

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

Interesting tidbit: In contrast to the other disassemblers, binutils mixes hexadecimal and decimal numbers.

Instruction: [6] ori.b   #$8d, $2687.w                    (Musashi)
             [6] ori.b   #$8d, $2687.w                    (Moira)

             [6] ori.b #-115,$2687                        (Binutils)
             [6] ori.b #-115,9863.w                       (Moira)

             [6] ori.b   #-0x73,0x2687.w                  (Vda68k, Motorola)
             [6] ori.b   #-0x73,0x2687.w                  (Moira)

             [6] ori.b   #-0x73,0x2687                    (Vda68k, MIT)
             [6] ori.b   #-0x73,0x2687                    (Moira)
mras0 commented 2 years ago

That might be because of the print_address_func that I hastily implemented. The real binutils probably uses decimal for addresses as well (checking on Bebbo's version of compiler explorer that seems to be the case).

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

I played around a little with compiler explorer. It seems like everything is printed in decimal.

That might be because of the print_address_func that I hastily implemented

The TypeScript version mixes decimal and hexadecimal, too:

hoff@MacBook-Pro Bartman % node dasm.js 0x0038 0x068d 0x342A
$0038 $068d $342a : ori.b #-115,$342a

@BartmanAbyss: Do you remember whether there was a specific reason for that?

BartmanAbyss commented 2 years ago

Hmm.. I think I just ported the code as is, I can't find any more hints in my commits unfortunately.

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

I think I've found a bug in the Binutils disassembler (running in 68010 mode):

Instruction: [6] cmpi.b  #-$73, ($2687,PC); (1+); ($368b) (Musashi)
             [6] cmpi.b  #-$73, ($2687,PC); (1+); ($368b) (Moira)

             [2] .short 0x0c3a                            (Binutils)
             [6] cmpi.b #-115,13963(pc); (1+)             (Moira)

             [6] cmpi.b  #-0x73,0x368b(pc)                (Vda68k, Motorola)
             [6] cmpi.b  #-0x73,0x368b(pc)                (Moira)

             [6] cmpi.b  #-0x73,pc@(0x368b)               (Vda68k, MIT)
             [6] cmpi.b  #-0x73,pc@(0x368b)               (Moira)

It doesn't recognize the two PC addressing modes (the 68000 does not offer them, but the 68010 does).

I think these two line

{"cmpib", 4,    one(0006000),   one(0177700), "#b$s", m68000 | m68010, dis_nonbranch },
{"cmpib", 4,    one(0006000),   one(0177700), "#b@s", m68020up | cpu32 | fido_a, dis_nonbranch },

need to be replaced by those:

{"cmpib", 4,    one(0006000),    one(0177700), "#b$s", m68000, dis_nonbranch },
{"cmpib", 4,    one(0006000),    one(0177700), "#b@s", m68010up | cpu32 | fido_a, dis_nonbranch },
dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

This one is even stranger (running in 68020 mode):

Instruction: [4] cmp2.b  (A0), D0; (2+)                   (Musashi)
             [4] cmp2.b  (A0), D0; (2+)                   (Moira)

             [2] .short 0x00d0                            (Binutils)
             [4] cmp2.b (a0),d0                           (Moira)

             [4] cmp2.b  (a0),d0                          (Vda68k, Motorola)
             [4] cmp2.b  (a0),d0                          (Moira)

             [4] cmp2.b  a0@,d0                           (Vda68k, MIT)
             [4] cmp2.b  a0@,d0                           (Moira)

It doesn't recognize the cmp2 instruction although the mode identifier (! in !sR1) seems correct:

{"cmp2b", 4,    two(0000300,0), two(0177700,07777), "!sR1", m68020up | cpu32 | fido_a, dis_nonbranch },
{"cmp2w", 4,    two(0001300,0), two(0177700,07777), "!sR1", m68020up | cpu32 | fido_a, dis_nonbranch },
{"cmp2l", 4,    two(0002300,0), two(0177700,07777), "!sR1", m68020up | cpu32 | fido_a, dis_nonbranch },
mras0 commented 2 years ago

cmpi.b looks like a bug allright. cmp2.b I'm guessing the second word is illegal (contains data in 0x0fff [07777])

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

Yes, the second word is illegal, so it is doing the right thing. I just came to understand how to interprete two(0000300,0), two(0177700,07777).

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

Found one more:

{"chkw", 2, one(0040600), one(0170700), ";wDd", m68020up, dis_nonbranch }

must be

{"chkw", 2, one(0040600), one(0170700), ";wDd", m68000up, dis_nonbranch }
mras0 commented 2 years ago

Had a chance to check on my a1200 and dc.w $00d0, $0001 is recognized by asmpro as cmp2.b (a0),d0 and it also behaves as such (also emulated by 060.library if I have my accelerator enabled).

Playing around with a bit, it seems like the 11 least significant bits of the second word are ignored (though asmpro doesn't get this right). The same goes for chk2.

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

There is some strangeness in the binutils code which is exposed by the TAS command. It disassembles as follows:

     [2] ta.s d0                                  (Binutils)
     [2] tas d0                                   (Moira)

If line

{"tas", 2,  one(0045300),   one(0177700), "$s", m68000up | mcfisa_b | mcfisa_c, dis_nonbranch },

is changed to

{"tass", 2, one(0045300),   one(0177700), "$s", m68000up | mcfisa_b | mcfisa_c, dis_nonbranch },

it looks like this:

         [2] tas.s d0                                 (Binutils)
         [2] tas d0                                   (Moira)

The last character of the instruction name is likely intepreted as a size identifier. As a workaround, I can append a b to match the correct size attribute of TAS:

         [2] tas.b d0                                 (Binutils)
         [2] tas d0                                   (Moira)

In addition, there is an alias table m68k_opcode_aliases containing this entry:

  { "tasb", "tas", },

I guess this table is supposed to do a back translation from tas.b to tas. But it seems like the table is defined, but never used.

BartmanAbyss commented 2 years ago

I think @bebbo modified the binutils to use motorola syntax. quite a lot of that is done by massaging the resulting strings. In my TypeScript version I have modified the opcode names in that table directly to use the motorola syntax.

BartmanAbyss commented 2 years ago

I think these two line

{"cmpib", 4,  one(0006000),   one(0177700), "#b$s", m68000 | m68010, dis_nonbranch },
{"cmpib", 4,  one(0006000),   one(0177700), "#b@s", m68020up | cpu32 | fido_a, dis_nonbranch },

need to be replaced by those:

{"cmpib", 4,    one(0006000),    one(0177700), "#b$s", m68000, dis_nonbranch },
{"cmpib", 4,    one(0006000),    one(0177700), "#b@s", m68010up | cpu32 | fido_a, dis_nonbranch },

but wouldn't that also enable the 68020+ only modes for 68010? https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/reference-manual/M68000PRM.pdf pg. 4-80

MC68020, MC68030, and MC68040 only
(bd,An,Xn)**    110 reg. number:An (bd,PC,Xn)โ€      111 011
([bd,An,Xn],od) 110 reg. number:An ([bd,PC,Xn],od) 111 011
([bd,An],Xn,od) 110 reg. number:An ([bd,PC],Xn,od) 111 011
dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

I think @bebbo modified the binutils to use motorola syntax. quite a lot of that is done by massaging the resulting strings

OK, thanks, that makes sense. I think the modification takes place here:

  /* add a . into movel and simila names. */
  int bnl = strlen(best->name);
  char c = best->name[bnl - 1];
  if (strcmp("rts", best->name)
      && strcmp("bfexts", best->name)
      && strcmp("bfins", best->name)
      && strcmp("cas", best->name)
      && (c == 's' || c == 'w' || c == 'b' || c == 'l'))
      static char b[32];
      strcpy(b, best->name);
      b[bnl - 1] = '.';
      b[bnl] = c;
      b[bnl + 1] = 0;
      info->fprintf_func (info->stream, "%s", b);
    } else

For now, I simply take this code out. As a result, I should get MIT style instruction names for each instruction (e.g., movel instead of move.l). Of course, the output will be inconsistent with the operand syntax (which is Motorola), but that's OK for my purpose. I can use the resulting code to verify the instruction names for my personal MIT mode. Later, Moira will offer DASM_MOIRA_MOT and DASM_MOIRA_MIT as the two standard disassembler syntaxes. The compatibility modes are mainly intended for unit testing.

bebbo commented 2 years ago

I think @bebbo modified the binutils to use motorola syntax. quite a lot of that is done by massaging the resulting strings. In my TypeScript version I have modified the opcode names in that table directly to use the motorola syntax.

the binutils are using the motorola syntax since ever:

This syntax for the Motorola 680x0 was developed at MIT.

   The 680x0 version of 'as' uses instructions names and syntax
compatible with the Sun assembler.  Intervening periods are ignored; for
example, 'movl' is equivalent to 'mov.l'.

And omitting the % is configurable.

Then: ta.s is the same for as as tas, but using tasb might be a noninvasive change and thus ok.

Refering to cmpi and tst: There is no predefined pattern that matches 0,2-6,7.0-7.2 and (d8,PC,Xn) is even 7.3. I can live that the gnu assembler doesn't allow that for 68010. And for disassembling I switched the default to 68040 since I want to read the insn and not .short mnemonics.

last: unknown opcodes: I'm fine if these pop up as .short as long as valid insns are assembled/disassembled correcty. 00d0 0000 cmp2.b (a0),d0 is working

just my 2c

bebbo commented 2 years ago


&& strcmp("tas", best->name)

and tas is no longer touched

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

First of all, thanks for all the good advice. This helped me to move forward at a good pace. In 68000 and 68010 mode, no more disassembler mismatches are reported (at least not in the first 600 rounds).

Now, I am working on getting the 68020 instruction set right. To me, this one appears to be a bug in binutils:

Instruction: [4] divu.l  D0, D0; (2+)                     (Musashi)
             [4] divu.l  D0, D0; (2+)                     (Moira)

             [4] divull d0,d0,d0                          (Binutils)
             [4] divul d0,d0                              (Moira)

             [4] divu.l  d0,d0                            (Vda68k, Motorola)
             [4] divu.l  d0,d0                            (Moira)

             [4] divu.l  d0,d0                            (Vda68k, MIT)
             [4] divu.l  d0,d0                            (Moira)

Setup:   PC: 1000  Opcode: 4c40  Ext1: 0000  Ext2: 582f  Ext3: ffff 

Binutils recognizes the instruction as a div with a 64-bit dividend, but the size bit is not set in Ext1.

Interestingly, Bartman's port does it right:

hoff@MacBook-Pro Bartman % node dasm.js 0x4c40 0x0000
match: {
  name: 'divu.l',
  size: 4,
  opcode: 1279262720,
  match: 4290809848,
  args: ';lDD',
  arch: 60,
  type: 1
$4c40 $0000 : divu.l d0,d0
BartmanAbyss commented 2 years ago

haha, that's funny, cause I still have an open issue // TODO: args for divul, divsl, but I guess that comment refers to divul.l and divsl.l

mras0 commented 2 years ago

I think binutils is right here: divu.l is the 64/32-bit version while divul.l (selected when size=0) is 32/32 returning both quotient and remainder (except in this case since Dr=Dq). Asmpro disassembles it as divul.l d0,d0:d0

BartmanAbyss commented 2 years ago

thanks for reminding me, I just fixed my typescript version to match the original binutils. https://github.com/BartmanAbyss/vscode-amiga-debug/commit/a60d3b525d17ed43121cb8113b8230531ba25e98

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

I think binutils is right here

Agreed. For the special case where Dr and Dq match, Musashi and Vda68k screw the syntax up.

BartmanAbyss commented 2 years ago

Also, if you want one more disassembler to add to the confusion, WinUAE has one as well: https://github.com/tonioni/WinUAE/blob/master/disasm.cpp

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

I've reached the area where the fun begins: Line-F space, 68030 instruction set.

Here is one I don't understand:

Instruction: [4] pflushr 0, 9, (A0)                       (Musashi)
             [4] pflush  sfc, #$1, (A0)                   (Moira)

             [4] pflush sfc,#9,(a0)                       (Binutils)
             [4] pflush sfc,#1,(a0)                       (Moira)

             [4] pflush  sfc,#0x9,(a0)                    (Vda68k, Motorola)
             [4] pflush  sfc,#0x1,(a0)                    (Moira)

             [4] pflush  sfc,#0x9,a0@                     (Vda68k, MIT)
             [4] pflush  sfc,#0x1,a0@                     (Moira)

Setup:   PC: 1000  Opcode: f010  Ext1: 3920  Ext2: cb51  Ext3: 970a 
Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-31 um 19 38 16 Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-31 um 19 37 57

If mask is a 3 bit value, how can the output be '9'?

BartmanAbyss commented 2 years ago

The 68851 variant has 4 bits image

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

The new DASM_GNU mode seems to work. All disassembler tests pass:

Moira CPU tester. (C) Dirk W. Hoffmann, 2019 - 2022

The test program runs Moira agains Musashi with randomly generated data.

    Test rounds: 1
    Random seed: 367
     Exec range: (opcode >= 0x0000 && opcode <= 0xEFFF)
     Dasm range: (opcode >= 0x0000 && opcode <= 0xFFFF)

Round 1:

68000 CPU ................................ PASSED  (Moira: 0.60s  Musashi: 0.77s)
68010 CPU ................................ PASSED  (Moira: 1.21s  Musashi: 1.55s)
EC020 CPU ................................ PASSED  (Moira: 1.83s  Musashi: 2.34s)
68020 CPU ................................ PASSED  (Moira: 2.46s  Musashi: 3.14s)
EC030 CPU ................................ PASSED  (Moira: 3.08s  Musashi: 3.94s)
68030 CPU ................................ PASSED  (Moira: 3.70s  Musashi: 4.73s)
68030 MMU ................................ PASSED  (Moira: 3.70s  Musashi: 4.73s)
EC040 CPU ................................ PASSED  (Moira: 4.32s  Musashi: 5.52s)
LC040 CPU ................................ PASSED  (Moira: 4.94s  Musashi: 6.31s)
LC040 MMU ................................ PASSED  (Moira: 4.94s  Musashi: 6.31s)
68040 CPU ................................ PASSED  (Moira: 5.56s  Musashi: 7.11s)
68040 MMU ................................ PASSED  (Moira: 5.56s  Musashi: 7.11s)
68040 FPU ................................ PASSED  (Moira: 5.56s  Musashi: 7.11s)

All tests completed

At the end, it was much more difficult than I had originally anticipated. In addition, quality has degraded a lot which means that I need to spend some time on refactoring before working on any new functionality.

dirkwhoffmann commented 2 years ago

Done. The new disassembler is now part of vAmiga:

Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-07 um 07 39 08

At the moment, all five syntax styles are available (DASM_MOIRA_MOT, DASM_MOIRA_MIT, DASM_GNU, DASM_GNU_MIT, DASM_MUSASHI).

Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-07 um 07 37 36

The first two are vAmiga's native styles where everything is displayed as I personally like it most. The other three styles are compatibility styles that are mostly intended for unit testing and debugging. There are some limitations though: The Musashi style displays all instructions in the $Fxxx area as illegal instructions as it does not handle all instructions in this range correctly. Moreover, floating point constants are not shown, yet. They are displayed as <fixme> at the moment.