dirsigler / uptime-kuma-helm

This Helm Chart installs Uptime-Kuma from @louislam to your Kubernetes Cluster.
GNU General Public License v3.0
144 stars 49 forks source link

fix: liveness probe command #166

Closed atobaum closed 1 week ago

atobaum commented 3 weeks ago

Description of the change Added node to liveness probe.

Context Due to node command being omitted in the liveness probe of deployment, the following events are occurring in my k8s cluster:

Name:             uptime-kuma-5b765cc74c-7tfvk.17cb9700282d4285
Namespace:        uptime-kuma-system
Labels:           <none>
Annotations:      <none>
API Version:      v1
Count:            363130
Event Time:       <nil>
First Timestamp:  2024-05-02T06:08:30Z
Involved Object:
  API Version:       v1
  Field Path:        spec.containers{uptime-kuma}
  Kind:              Pod
  Name:              uptime-kuma-5b765cc74c-7tfvk
  Namespace:         uptime-kuma-system
  Resource Version:  42515422
  UID:               d2200d3b-0bfd-42d3-a8d2-d6917ae31d03
Kind:                Event
Last Timestamp:      2024-06-13T06:56:48Z
Message:             (combined from similar events): Liveness probe errored: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to exec in container: failed to start exec "bb64cb3256790c20687b7b119ed4dac6fa5705bc736d691628d6f8acc937e917": OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: exec: "extra/healthcheck": stat extra/healthcheck: no such file or directory: unknown
  Creation Timestamp:  2024-05-02T06:08:30Z
  Resource Version:    98857066
  UID:                 48cd7e56-ec26-4289-ac4b-9730a9572a4c
Reason:                Unhealthy
Reporting Component:   
Reporting Instance:    
  Component:  kubelet
  Host:       standard-nodes-w-1rrt
Type:         Warning
Events:       <none>


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dirsigler commented 1 week ago

Thank you very much @atobaum for the work! ❤️

dirsigler commented 1 week ago

Just as an FYI @atobaum , I "reverted" the change again due to the "node" command being deprecated (see this code ).

But now I also provided the functionality to configure the livenessProbe as desired, so if you encounter any issues and still need to use the "node" command, you can add it to your release values.yaml.