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Redesign/reimplement reality settings #13

Open Bimbalas opened 11 years ago

Bimbalas commented 11 years ago

This is a very large topic, each suggestion could be discussed separately. Still, these are the key points of the game. Unrealistic simulation results could be frustrating enough for users to stop playing the game, so this is a priority number one. 1) Availability to participate in regional/lower level rallies 2) realistic money model - each event costs money to participate. The higher the event level - the bigger start fees. Sponsor payouts are also higher, but it is more difficult to achieve good positions. 3) realistic car settings - in most cases (if not all) settings could be 'analog', instead of 1..9; some settings could not be changed during the rally - like engine and turbo. All other setup changes would require time as well as part repairs. 4) more realistic speeds and time differences from other similar level drivers. I would even recommend reducing number of parameters in beta version, make accurate simulation with less parameters and then add new parameters one by one. 5) same algorithm should be used for race day SS and shakedown. Otherwise shakedown results are almost random. 6) All cars in the same rally participate in one group. There might be different classes though (like N4, R4, s2000, WRC). Higher lever cars should be better performing, but more expensive (including parts and repairs). 7) In real life there are no specific beginers or advanced groups. Anyone can participate in any rally. The only limitation should be money and also licence (might need certain number of rallies or points in lower level events to participate in higher level rally) 8) Crew should gain experience not only in training, but also in rally events. 9) Simulate more real life situations - flat tyres, mechanical failures, accidents, out of road with availability to continue but some time lost, super-rally rule etc. 10) last idea is SS drive simulation - my suggestion would be to simulate track from separate small parts (straight, jump, turn of specific degree etc). If interested - we could discuss this separately in mail.

giedriusr commented 11 years ago

Hi @Bimbalas,

Thanks for your ideas. Let me answer one by one.

  1. That's not in our early plans at the moment, although, idea is nice and we will add it to our list of brainstorm.
  2. That's planned and will be implemented eventually.
  3. Could you please explain a bit more about 1-9 settings and why they are wrong atm?
  4. We will stay with the current number of parameters.
  5. It is the same with some exceptions. We're already working on making it completely the same.
  6. That's not the concept of our game and we are not planning to have more than 2 classifications.
  7. That's the structure of the game, it's not related to rally world, that's par of the game and how it works.
  8. How do you know if that doesn't happen now? (implemented)
  9. Working on it already.
  10. We will definitely discuss it during the meeting if possible.
Bimbalas commented 11 years ago

Hello Giedrius ;)

  1. Analog settings (slider) would make same setups for different cars almost impossible. However this only makes sense if similar level crews performs very similar. For the moment 1..9 might be good enough.
  2. Large number of parameters is not bad by itself - not good when weight of the parameters is not tuned well enough. And the larger number of parameters - the harder is to tune whole system.
  3. Can't see major difference from a) 2 cars lots of groups (with beginner times better than pro..) b) same car classification, but less performing cars for beginners (not necessary call those as N4, S2000 etc). You don't start rally career spending 500k for a single rally ;) My point is that there should be larger differences between different level groups. Also several friends might want to play in a single group, but they do not have a change to do this now.
  4. Yes, I understand your ideas, but I believe that ultimate goal is to make it as close to reality as possible (with less hard work and increased fun factor) :)
  5. Simply didn't noticed increase in percentages after last rally. One training session raise skill(s) about 3%, so one rally should rise at least some skills noticeable (for example morale after good results or stamina after finishing long rally. Also things like pacenotes and general experience. In case of technical problems technical knowledge skill could go up. There could be also falling percentages for example after retiring early).
  6. Will try to take part in the meeting if nothing major happens ;)

Also forgot one more important issue - more realistic repairs/damage model. Normally, for example brakes with 80% left and 50% left should brake the same. Only if you reach small percentages 10-30% there is an increased chance of a breakdown. In my opinion some parts are getting damaged too quickly. For some parts partial repair also does not make sense (like brakes). I understand that this makes game model more dynamic and less predictable, but it might be possible to make it also more realistic.

Anyway, I said that I could generate lots of ideas, but finally its up to you to make decisions ;) Keep a good work! ;)

giedriusr commented 11 years ago

Also several friends might want to play in a single group, but they do not have a change to do this now.

This is known issue and we have a solution for this, although, it will take some time to implement it. Generally, Pro group should be higher and faster in terms of technology, that's how it will be in the future. Start is always hard.

giedriusr commented 11 years ago