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Improvements in sponsor-related features (important) #43

Closed Bimbalas closed 10 years ago

Bimbalas commented 10 years ago

1) first of all expectations should be clear initially, as 9 or 10 has completely no sense. It could be written exact expectations, like 'stay in group' etc. 2) popularity does not make any difference at all (or this somehow affects money?) 3) finances should be also expressed in monetary units (for specified % of area) 4) Allow making negotiations anytime during the week. The problem with current approach is that it might take multiple weeks to find one new sponsor - you have to wait one week to get initial proposal, another week to make some changes in proposal, then third week someone else took that sponsor, so start over... 5) Allow specify required area initially before starting negotiations - this is extremely important when you already have 2 sponsors and lets say 18% left. In this case you will need at least 2 weeks to agree on some condition as first proposal will have wrong area percentage.

In general this is a very good idea, but it should be much more dynamic. Sponsors should be more strict, react after each race (giving some warning if goals are not reached or giving some bonuses if much better results are reached). Some goals currently also does not make sense - for example 'stay in group' with contract duration 5 weeks at the start of season - it is not possible to drop from group etc. Also it might be worth having more than one goal for the same sponsor - like one major goal (for championship), 2-3 medium goals (for event) and maybe several minor goals (like winning stage, do not make mistakes etc). Making this more dynamic would add much more strategic element to the game and more fun to players.

giedriusr commented 10 years ago

I noticed a need of Nr. 5 as well. All the rest are good points as well and will be implemented eventually.

giedriusr commented 10 years ago

New sponsor module has been improved a lot. Limit in number of contracts was removed. Sponsors react after each rally event. Expectations are much more clear also high expectations require at least 15 weeks of duration, so now it makes more sense. I am sure there are plenty of other things we could do and this is definitely not the last update.