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[Metrics] Views and open rate per time span for each contributor / bubble / website #328

Open MaartenLMEM opened 3 years ago

MaartenLMEM commented 3 years ago

Need To better understand impact of contribution work we need some basic consultation metrics.

I. First one is open rate, which means : when a bubble is diplayed, how many time it's open. We need an overview :

And :

  1. for each bubble (also named notice)
  2. for each contributor : to know which is the best working, which one we should extend, which one improve
  3. for each website : to better target our contributions

II. Second metric we need is : views Today, in backoffice we know how many views we have per bubble. But we cannot make comparison over time. For example compare views betwenn last 15 days and the 15 days before.


  1. A CSV extract of Backoffice on last 3 months would be enough to buid a big part of these metric. It contains :

    • Date : year-number/month-number/dau-number
    • bubble number
    • contributor name (or number)
    • websites targeted (if there is a group, just list all websites it contains)
    • number of display
    • number of detail views
    • number of click on links
  2. CSV extract of Matomo, on last 10 weeks, on last month and on last 3 months containing :

    • contributor name (or number)
    • bubble number
    • website domain
    • number of display (of the bubble on this domain)
    • number of detail views
    • number of click on links

Target user

MaartenLMEM commented 3 years ago

to @J-oh-n for information to @zhinu @christpet for a first feedback about those extracts complexity and to discuss the best way to do it each month (or better each week) fornext 6 months.

christpet commented 3 years ago

@julienadamcom you've been doing some work on the backoffice data so you might have a quick answer for how complex this is, otherwise @lutangar or @JalilArfaoui ? Whoever sees this first, please give us a quick estimate of size: XS - S - M - L - XL

zhinu commented 3 years ago

On my side, I know how to extract views per bubbles (with their id), and probably clicks as well. However, I don't know where to extract the other information pertaining to the bubble (i.e. date of creation, contributor id etc...)

julienadamcom commented 3 years ago

On my side, I know how to extract views per bubbles (with their id), and probably clicks as well. However, I don't know where to extract the other information pertaining to the bubble (i.e. date of creation, contributor id etc...)

let's talk about it, what you have is what I miss!

MaartenLMEM commented 3 years ago

@julienadamcom Here are my notes after our meeting with @zhinu :

Donc le sujet est plutôt entre tes mains maintenant, en sachant que l'année dernière @JalilArfaoui m'avait fait tout un extract que j'avais exploité ici.

For now, i would be very happy with data about past two months.

By the way, here are more precise definitions of these contribution metrics :

MaartenLMEM commented 3 years ago

@zhinu peux tu faire un point sur l'avancement à ce sujet à partir de ce que tu m'a montré :

Si c'est ok pour toi on met cette carte sur le Dashboard Analytics uniquement et je l'enlève de BO.

MaartenLMEM commented 3 years ago

Actuellement problèmes restants :

Ce n'est pas bloquant. Next step : Je vérifie que ça répond bien au besoin exprimé.