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Guide account dashboard v2 #15

Open prk-dismoi opened 3 years ago

prk-dismoi commented 3 years ago

As a user I want to see extended stats about my guide (contributor) account on the dashboard.

prk-dismoi commented 3 years ago


Additional features (against v1 / https://github.com/dis-moi/contribution-interface/issues/14 )

MaartenLMEM commented 3 years ago

Hi here is my (late) feedback : As contributor, I would like as first diagramm :

Yet, by experience, it s very tiring to calcule these rates from absolute data. An I like months range, since DisMoi is not an news centric tool like twitter, but helps me to target people on the long term.

prk-dismoi commented 3 years ago

Would you prefer these open and click rate metrics to show alongside abonnes/vues/ouverts/clicks counts, or replacing them? They would be % so we can easily plot them along a secondary axis. the problem I see is how abonnes/vues/ouverts/clicks would stretch the primary axis vertically since the base values would differ a lot (i.e. not many new abonnes daily but potentially many views).

MaartenLMEM commented 3 years ago

As contributor, in a table I need also the numbers, because for a single bubble 66% has not the same sens if behind it 2 of 3 or 200 of 300. But for an overview of all bubbles, % seem me more relevant and enough, since I have "display" data. We can speaks about this matter if you waznt, because I am nore sure I understand your idea of axis.

Other remark about wording Le mot vue m'interrroge. Est-ce que affichage ne serait pas mieux ? En effet :

prk-dismoi commented 3 years ago

Lets speak tomorrow to align :) Re. wording as I said before these are placeholder labels, dont trust my french in many instances I dont know the terminology. You guys will choose whats best.

prk-dismoi commented 3 years ago

ok we talked this through with Marteen, new version of the chart coming to this ticket soon. No rush anyway, this is for Q3.