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Page abonnements Dismoi : url opened does not work : page not found #1238

Closed MaartenLMEM closed 2 years ago

MaartenLMEM commented 2 years ago

Since we updated Dismoi extension in production, the profiles page (and thus the onboarding) is broken.

To reproduce onboarding bug :

  1. Install Dismoi prod
  2. Onboarding opens a new tab with https://www.dismoi.io/profils?pk_campaign=installed and this page is empty : "La page demandée est introuvable. Essayez d'affiner votre recherche ou utilisez le panneau de navigation ci-dessus pour localiser l'article." Previously it opened : https://www.dismoi.io/eclaireurs?pk_campaign=installed

To reprodruce profiles page bug

  1. Install Dismoi prod
  2. Right clic on the D and go to "Comptes suivis"
  3. Its opens https://www.dismoi.io/profilswith "page not found".

This is related to recent change on list of profiles page url for LMEL.

Yet, LMEL profiles pages and onboarding are working well.

JalilArfaoui commented 2 years ago

@MaartenLMEM I published profiles V1 to production (it was still with old URL …). Seems good to me now …