dis-moi / mobile

DisMoi mobile app
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Scenario test: 1.0.9 / android 9 / Samsung #218

Open prk-dismoi opened 3 years ago

prk-dismoi commented 3 years ago

1. Configuration

The test scenarii are listed on individual lines below. Each test case has 3 parts: 1 TEST NAME, 2. EXPECTED OUTCOME, 3. WORKS AS INTENDED. Remove either the Y or the N from 3 once you have tested this on your device.

If you chose N (i.e. it did not work as intended) please report it as a bug here: https://github.com/dis-moi/mobile_poc/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=Bugs.md

Some example Some outcome Y
install App app installs Y
Click "open" when app is dowloaded app opens Y
Click "done" when app is dowloaded closes installation Y
open app from app icon app opens on tutorial page 1 Y
on tuto page 1, click suivant goes to tuto page 2 Y
on tuto page 1, click back (native button) minimizes Dismoi app Y
on tuto page 2, click suivant goes to tuto page 3 Y
on tuto page 3, click suivant goes to tuto page 4 Y
on tuto page 4, click suivant goes to accessibility options, 2 x toggles are off, finish button inactive (grey) Y
click on overlay toggle go to Dismoi overlay setting Y
turn overlay ON > navigate back to Dismoi overlay toggle is ON, finish button is still inactive (grey) Y
click on accessibility toggle goes to Settings > Accessibility menu Y
go to services > Dismoi > turn accessibility ON > confirm > navigate back to Dismoi accessibility toggle is ON, finish button is active (blue) Y
click finish button goes to contributor selection page Y
click on category radio button 2 contributor list updates Y
click on category radio button 3 contributor list updates Y
click on category radio button 4 contributor list updates Y
click on category radio button 5 contributor list updates Y
click on category radio button 1 contributor list updates Y
click on follow button for 1 contributor button label changes to subscribed Y
click on subscribed button for same contributor button label changes back to subscribe Y
while unsubscribed, click on the example link opens subscribe popup Y
close subscribe popup popup closes Y
scroll down to the bottom the contributor list The scroll should show all the contributors Y
click on the example link > subscribe from subscribe popup button label changes to see example Y
close popup after subscribe from popup popup closes, subscribed to contributor Y
click on see example button from popup opens Chrome Y
settings > apps > disable the overlay, go to a website with bubble Bubble should not appear Y
settings > apps > disable the accessibility service, go to a website with bubble App should not crash, and bubble should not appear Y
settings > apps > Dismoi > appear on top > Disable Dismoi app opens on authorisations screens with Overlay toggle off and finish button greyed out Y
click on overlay toggle > accept overlay setting opens contributor selection page when back on Dismoi Y
settings > accessibility > services > Dismoi > Disable Dismoi app opens on authorisations screens with Accessibility toggle off and finish button greyed out Y
click on accessibility toggle > accept accessibility setting opens contributor selection page when back on Dismoi Y
subscribe to alertoo and open example Nespresso site opens in Chrome with Dismoi bubble on top Y
subscribe to alertoo, open example, wait for bubble, page tap on webpage Bubble should not disappear Y
Drag Dismoi bubble to the right if the screen and release Dismoi bubble snaps to the right of the screen Y
Drag Dismoi bubble to the right if the screen, release, and click on it The contributors layout should appear Y
Drag Dismoi bubble to the right if the screen, release, click on it, press close The contributors layout should disappear and should not have bubble Y
subscribe to captain fact and open example Youtube site opens in Chrome with Dismoi bubble on top N
Go to a page with bubble, receive a notification Bubble should stay on page Y/N
Go to a page with bubble, receive a notification, click on notification Bubble should disappear Y/N
Go to a page with bubble, wait for bubble, change url, go to an other page with bubble Bubble should appear and should correspond to the updated website N
click on Dismoi bubble opens contribution screen over Chrome N
click on link inside the captainfact contribution opens captainfact site in new Chrome tab N
click on link inside the captainfact contribution bubble and layout should disappear N
go back to previous tab, close contribution window (X) contribution window closes, Dismoi Bubble notification on youtube is grey not red N
subscribe to Le Kaba, iboycott, amazon antidote, Ar memestra e breizh then open https://amazon.fr Dismoi bubble appears OVER WEBSITE with 3 contributions Y
click on Dismoi bubble contribution screen appears over Chrome with 3 contributions Y
swipe between contributions contributions move from left to right and lock in the center Y
scroll inside contribution scroll works Y
click on bin deleted contribution disappears, next contribution comes center Y
visit https://www.boulanger.com/c/toutes-les-yaourtieres-fromageres, click on bubble, click on bin contribution window closes, no Dismoi bubble over page Y
open https://amazon.fr, drag Dismoi bubble into the close (X) area Dismoi bubble disappears Y
Reopen amazon.fr Dismoi bubble does not appear Y
go to recrute.leroymerlin.fr Bubble should appear just one time -
subscribe to captain fact, see example, wait about 1 minute Bubble should not disappear N
subscribe to captain fact, see example, click on bubble, wait about 1 minute Contribution window should not disappear N
subscribe to 20+ contributor, open backmarket.fr, click on bubble, wait about 1 minute, leave chrome Contribution screen should remain in place until closed, or until Chrome closed N
Go to a website with bubble, click on bubble, leave chrome The overlay should disappear Y
Go to a website with bubble, leave chrome The overlay should disappear Y
Go to a website with bubble, click to type a new url The overlay should disappear N
Go to a website with bubble, hide chrome The overlay should disappear Y
Go to the link see an example of Colibri pour la planête type backmarket.fr in url press enter Dismoi bubble should appear N
Empty cache data of phone, subscribe, see example Dismoi bubble should appear Y
Use google to access a website with a bubble Dismoi bubble should appear Y
Restart phone, open chrome (without opening dismoi), go to a website with a bubble Dismoi bubble should appear Y
settings > apps > Dismoi > Force stop app closes N
settings > apps > Dismoi > uninstall app uninstalls Y
Redo all these tests 1/2 days later in a random order Everything should work fine Y/N