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Please add JackSession support #4

Open grammoboy2 opened 13 years ago

grammoboy2 commented 13 years ago

Could you please add JackSession support? It makes working with JACK standalone applications a lot more user friendly. There are some apps who support it already and they work fine, like Yoshimi, Qtractor, Pianoteq, Ghostess, Guitarix, Jack-Rack, Ardour3, Bristol, Seq24, Jalv, Ingen, Connie, Specimen and probably more.

According to comments on IRC by Paul Davis, it's very easy to add JackSession support to your application.

"Its really easy, just handle 1 more callback from the server. Torben's walkthrough shows what is necessary."

Torben's walktrough: http://trac.jackaudio.org/wiki/WalkThrough/Dev/JackSession

grammo commented 13 years ago

Emanuel Rumpf has added JackSession support to PHASEX. You can find the source here: git://github.com/grammo/phasex.git

rvega commented 12 years ago

That's great @grammo, why don't you send a pull request to @disabled so that we don't have two diffrent branches? (just my 0.02)

grammoboy2 commented 12 years ago

On 03/16/2012 01:45 AM, Rafael Vega wrote:

That's great @grammo, why don't you send a pull request to @disabled so that we don't have two diffrent branches? (just my 0.02)

Is the guy still active then? I'm a git noob, tell me what to do :)

rvega commented 12 years ago

I just sent an email asking him to look at this thread. Let's see if he replies.

This is the typical workflow using git + github is:

  1. You fork the repo you want to modify (repo A). That creates your own repo based on the original work (repo B).
  2. Clone repo B into your machine. Modify, test, commit, push and repeat until you're done with changes.
  3. Choose the commits you would like to merge into repo A and create a pull request with them. Make sure you add a description of the changes and whatever relevant info.
  4. The owner of repo A receive a github notifiction, he'll review your changes and decide if he wants to merge them. If so, we're all happy with one version of the app in repo A. :)

More info on this kind of workflow here: http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/

rvega commented 12 years ago

BTW. I'm now using @grammo's version and it's been working with no issues for a few hours.