disaster-robotics-proalertas / usv_sim_lsa

Unmanned Surface Vehicle simulation on Gazebo with water current and winds
Apache License 2.0
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some errors running the simulation scripts #10

Closed elgarbe closed 5 years ago

elgarbe commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to run scenario1 with diff boat and get this error:

================================================================================REQUIRED process [scene_to_spawner-2] has died!
process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/elgarbe/.ros/log/039e7d8a-ed8d-11e8-b3d2-7c67a237b388/scene_to_spawner-2*.log
Initiating shutdown!

simulation and gazebo shows up, but the simulation does not start.

as a side note, when I run rosrun uwsim uwsim for the first time it install some package a throw an error:

Starting UWSim...
Loading SimulatedDevices plugin: 'DredgeTool_Factory'
Loading SimulatedDevices plugin: 'ForceSensor_Factory'
Loading SimulatedDevices plugin: 'SimDev_Echo_Factory'
Cannot locate file /home/elgarbe/usv_sim_lsa/install_isolated/share/uwsim/scenes/cirs.xml
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'pluginlib::LibraryUnloadException'
  what():  According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class ForceSensor_Factory with base class type uwsim::SimulatedDeviceFactory does not exist. Declared types are  DredgeTool_Factory ForceSensor_Factory SimDev_Echo_Factory
/home/elgarbe/usv_sim_lsa/install_isolated/lib/uwsim/uwsim: línea 23:  9101 Abortado                (`core' generado) rosrun uwsim uwsim_binary --dataPath ~/.uwsim/data $@
marceloparavisi commented 5 years ago


when you run the command with "parse:=true" (see command below), it is expected that initialization end with that red message. You should run this command when you changed your scenes configurations (xml, xacro files...) or in the first run... roslaunch usv_sim diffboat_scenario1.launch parse:=true

After that, you can run: roslaunch usv_sim diffboat_scenario1.launch parse:=false

With this command, gazebo and UWSim should show up... To start simulation, just press the play button on gazebo or run the following command in a terminal: rosservice call /gazebo/unpause_physics "{}"

If UWSim data already been downloaded, you do not need to run "rosrun uwsim uwsim" again. Look for a hidden folder named ".uwsim" in your home folder.

If you need any additional assistance, please contact me.

elgarbe commented 5 years ago

Ok, it is working now. thank

I'm running ./diffboat_scenario1 for the tests.

I get this warning:

[ WARN] [1542832681.712273755, 9.104000000]: Failed to call service windCurrent buoy3::link
[ WARN] [1542832681.712399498, 9.104000000]: Failed to call service windCurrent buoy7::link
[ WARN] [1542832681.712459106, 9.104000000]: Failed to call service windCurrent buoy2::link
[ WARN] [1542832681.712582658, 9.104000000]: Failed to call service windCurrent buoy4::link
[ WARN] [1542832681.713019508, 9.104000000]: Failed to call service windCurrent buoy8::link
[ WARN] [1542832681.713269368, 9.104000000]: Failed to call service windCurrent diffboat::fwd_right
[ WARN] [1542832688.546456850, 10.103000000]: Failed to call service windCurrent buoy6::link
[ WARN] [1542832688.546562658, 10.103000000]: Failed to call service windCurrent buoy5::link
[ WARN] [1542832688.551813885, 10.104000000]: Failed to call service windCurrent buoy3::link
[ WARN] [1542832688.551861047, 10.104000000]: Failed to call service windCurrent buoy4::link
[ WARN] [1542832688.551888263, 10.104000000]: Failed to call service windCurrent buoy10::link
[ WARN] [1542832688.551927951, 10.104000000]: Failed to call service windCurrent buoy2::link
[ WARN] [1542832688.552042811, 10.104000000]: Failed to call service windCurrent buoy7::link

do I need to run another package?

marceloparavisi commented 5 years ago

No, just ignore that message...

In our branch develop, this warning has been removed...