disaster-robotics-proalertas / usv_sim_lsa

Unmanned Surface Vehicle simulation on Gazebo with water current and winds
Apache License 2.0
317 stars 105 forks source link

No Actions on Startup #19

Closed jake3991 closed 5 years ago

jake3991 commented 5 years ago

First I can only start the system with parse set to false and when it starts up no actions are taken, I suppose this is not an issue itself but could be relevant. It looks like everything is online (gazebo, UWsim, etc.) however nothing is published to any rostopics and I can see no movement in the simulator. Any thoughts?

marceloparavisi commented 5 years ago

Hello Jake

Can you post the output text of simulator?


jake3991 commented 5 years ago

Here you go!



NODES /airboat/ heading_control (usv_base_ctrl/airboat_control_heading.py) patrol (usv_navigation/patrol_pid_scene1.py) pid_control (freefloating_gazebo/pid_control) world_base_link (tf/static_transform_publisher) / airboat_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) buoy10_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) buoy1_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) buoy2_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) buoy3_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) buoy4_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) buoy5_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) buoy6_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) buoy7_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) buoy8_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) buoy9_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) gazebo (gazebo_ros/gzserver) gazebo_gui (gazebo_ros/gzclient) terrain_spawner (gazebo_ros/spawn_model) uwsim (uwsim/uwsim)

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [5982] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

setting /run_id to f7111b32-5186-11e9-928c-4851b702f60c process[rosout-1]: started with pid [5995] started core service [/rosout] process[gazebo-2]: started with pid [5998] process[gazebo_gui-3]: started with pid [6008] process[uwsim-4]: started with pid [6029] process[airboat_spawner-5]: started with pid [6033] process[buoy1_spawner-6]: started with pid [6034] process[buoy2_spawner-7]: started with pid [6035] process[buoy3_spawner-8]: started with pid [6038] process[buoy4_spawner-9]: started with pid [6040] process[buoy5_spawner-10]: started with pid [6041] process[buoy6_spawner-11]: started with pid [6044] process[buoy7_spawner-12]: started with pid [6050] process[buoy8_spawner-13]: started with pid [6061] process[buoy9_spawner-14]: started with pid [6071] process[buoy10_spawner-15]: started with pid [6078] process[terrain_spawner-16]: started with pid [6086] process[airboat/patrol-17]: started with pid [6101] process[airboat/pid_control-18]: started with pid [6108] process[airboat/heading_control-19]: started with pid [6116] process[airboat/world_base_link-20]: started with pid [6124]

-----------------######################################################## _enable_gt_shader: 0Loading SimulatedDevices plugin: 'DredgeTool_Factory' Loading SimulatedDevices plugin: 'ForceSensor_Factory' Loading SimulatedDevices plugin: 'SimDev_Echo_Factory'

found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle found OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle___ FREEFLOATING_PIDS_MAIN::STARTING //airboat namespace: //airboat Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 7.14.0 Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation. Released under the Apache 2 License. http://gazebosim.org

Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 7.14.0 Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation. Released under the Apache 2 License. http://gazebosim.org

---- starting to load scene! ############ Starting loading scene file! the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' SpawnModel script started the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' SpawnModel script started SpawnModel script started the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' SpawnModel script started the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' [ INFO] [1553797576.703105186]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin. [Msg] Waiting for master. [Msg] Connected to gazebo master @ [Msg] Publicized address: [ INFO] [1553797576.733863905]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting... SpawnModel script started SpawnModel script started SpawnModel script started [ INFO] [1553797576.777563695]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin. [Msg] Waiting for master. [Msg] Connected to gazebo master @ [Msg] Publicized address: SpawnModel script started [ INFO] [1553797576.821108330]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting... [INFO] [1553797576.841459, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter

-----------------######################################################## _enable_gt_shader: 0 . Setting localized world: [INFO] [1553797576.846143, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model 7.9e-05s SpawnModel script started

--- enable: 0

-------------------- gt_shader: 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'

------------> vehicle 0 / 11 links.size: 8Loading URDF robot... · meshes/simpleHull3/base_link.obj: SpawnModel script started 0.021938s · meshes/simpleHull3/backLeft.obj: SpawnModel script started SpawnModel script started 0.067268s · meshes/simpleHull3/backRight.obj: 0.016797s · meshes/simpleHull3/centerRight.obj: 0.015832s · meshes/simpleHull3/frontLeft.obj: [INFO] [1553797577.030514, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter 0.035052s · meshes/simpleHull3/frontRight.obj: [INFO] [1553797577.036298, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter [INFO] [1553797577.037912, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797577.039446, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter [INFO] [1553797577.040447, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797577.041537, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter [INFO] [1553797577.043026, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter [INFO] [1553797577.044484, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter [INFO] [1553797577.045072, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797577.047603, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797577.047748, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797577.048370, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model 0.018599s · meshes/simpleHull3/airPropeller.obj: [INFO] [1553797577.056031, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter [INFO] [1553797577.058392, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_sdf_model [INFO] [1553797577.060832, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter [INFO] [1553797577.063988, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797577.064620, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter [INFO] [1553797577.066898, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model 0.017954s · meshes/simpleHull3/box.obj: 0.005288s · Linking links...[INFO] [1553797577.079985, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter [INFO] [1553797577.081165, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model Robot successfully loaded. Total time: 0.012861s 0.211994s

------------> vehicle 1 / 11 links.size: 1Loading URDF robot... · meshes/buoy2.osg: 0.020009s · Linking links...Robot successfully loaded. Total time: 0.00148s 0.021529s

------------> vehicle 2 / 11 links.size: 1Loading URDF robot... · meshes/buoy2.osg: [INFO] [1553797577.114919, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter [INFO] [1553797577.116061, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model 0.039417s · Linking links...Robot successfully loaded. Total time: 0.001891s 0.041355s

------------> vehicle 3 / 11 links.size: 1Loading URDF robot... · meshes/buoy2.osg: 0.022853s · Linking links...Robot successfully loaded. Total time: 0.001894s 0.024786s

------------> vehicle 4 / 11 links.size: 1Loading URDF robot... · meshes/buoy2.osg: 0.015187s · Linking links...Robot successfully loaded. Total time: 0.002157s 0.017391s

------------> vehicle 5 / 11 links.size: 1Loading URDF robot... · meshes/buoy2.osg: 0.038955s · Linking links...Robot successfully loaded. Total time: 0.002301s 0.041297s

------------> vehicle 6 / 11 links.size: 1Loading URDF robot... · meshes/buoy2.osg: 0.014654s · Linking links...Robot successfully loaded. Total time: 0.002527s 0.017222s

------------> vehicle 7 / 11 links.size: 1Loading URDF robot... · meshes/buoy2.osg: 0.015358s · Linking links...Robot successfully loaded. Total time: 0.002988s 0.01839s

------------> vehicle 8 / 11 links.size: 1Loading URDF robot... · meshes/buoy2.osg: 0.02275s · Linking links...Robot successfully loaded. Total time: 0.002935s 0.025724s

------------> vehicle 9 / 11 links.size: 1Loading URDF robot... · meshes/buoy2.osg: 0.014592s · Linking links...Robot successfully loaded. Total time: 0.003094s 0.017715s

------------> vehicle 10 / 11 links.size: 1Loading URDF robot... · meshes/buoy2.osg: 0.043308s · Linking links...Robot successfully loaded. Total time: 0.003375s 0.046723s

Compare airboat to airboat. <---- found!!! 0x2a1cdb0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) iface not null interfaceCount: 1 Compare buoy1 to buoy1. <---- found!!! 0x3745620 pos link: (250, 100, 1) iface not null interfaceCount: 2 Compare buoy2 to buoy2. <---- found!!! 0x393e070 pos link: (255, 100, 1) iface not null interfaceCount: 3 Compare buoy3 to buoy3. <---- found!!! 0x3b36ab0 pos link: (260, 100, 1) iface not null interfaceCount: 4 Compare buoy4 to buoy4. <---- found!!! 0x3d2f240 pos link: (265, 100, 1) iface not null interfaceCount: 5 Compare buoy5 to buoy5. <---- found!!! 0x3f27b50 pos link: (270, 100, 1) iface not null interfaceCount: 6 Compare buoy6 to buoy6. <---- found!!! 0x41205a0 pos link: (250, 90, 1) iface not null interfaceCount: 7 Compare buoy7 to buoy7. <---- found!!! 0x4318f30 pos link: (255, 90, 1) iface not null interfaceCount: 8 Compare buoy8 to buoy8. <---- found!!! 0x4511880 pos link: (260, 90, 1) iface not null interfaceCount: 9 Compare buoy9 to buoy9. <---- found!!! 0x470a420 pos link: (265, 90, 1) iface not null interfaceCount: 10 Compare buoy10 to buoy10. <---- found!!! 0x4903160 pos link: (270, 90, 1) iface not null interfaceCount: 11 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: airboat Compare airboat to airboat. <---- found!!! 0x2a1cdb0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare base_link to base_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a2f8c0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare base_link to base_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a2fdc0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare base_link to base_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a037f0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare base_link to base_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a060f0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare base_link to base_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a063c0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare base_link to base_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a011c0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) ----- airboat[base_link]0x2a2f8c0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) linkNode_0x2a2f8c0 iface not null interfaceCount: 12 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: airboat Compare airboat to airboat. <---- found!!! 0x2a1cdb0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare center_r_link to center_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2c93720 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare center_r_link to center_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2e7ee70 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare center_r_link to center_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2e7e1c0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare center_r_link to center_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2e7ecb0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare center_r_link to center_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2e808c0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare center_r_link to center_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2e80740 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare center_r_link to center_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2e81a90 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) ----- airboat[center_r_link]0x2c93720 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) linkNode_0x2c93720 iface not null interfaceCount: 13 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: airboat Compare airboat to airboat. <---- found!!! 0x2a1cdb0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare back_r_link to back_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a09050 pos link: (239.895, 94.9181, 1.13) Compare back_r_link to back_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a0ede0 pos link: (239.895, 94.9181, 1.13) Compare back_r_link to back_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a0d4b0 pos link: (239.895, 94.9181, 1.13) Compare back_r_link to back_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a0cb80 pos link: (239.895, 94.9181, 1.13) Compare back_r_link to back_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a0e200 pos link: (239.895, 94.9181, 1.13) Compare back_r_link to back_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2c90130 pos link: (239.895, 94.9181, 1.13) Compare back_r_link to back_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2c90820 pos link: (239.895, 94.9181, 1.13) Compare back_r_link to back_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2c92160 pos link: (239.895, 94.9181, 1.13) Compare back_r_link to back_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2c91440 pos link: (239.895, 94.9181, 1.13) ----- airboat[back_r_link]0x2a09050 pos link: (239.895, 94.9181, 1.13) linkNode_0x2a09050 iface not null interfaceCount: 14 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: airboat Compare airboat to airboat. <---- found!!! 0x2a1cdb0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare back_l_link to back_l_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a2bed0 pos link: (239.895, 95.0819, 1.13) Compare back_l_link to back_l_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a2c420 pos link: (239.895, 95.0819, 1.13) Compare back_l_link to back_l_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a2ca00 pos link: (239.895, 95.0819, 1.13) Compare back_l_link to back_l_link. <---- found!!! 0x2ba36a0 pos link: (239.895, 95.0819, 1.13) Compare back_l_link to back_l_link. <---- found!!! 0x2ba3860 pos link: (239.895, 95.0819, 1.13) Compare back_l_link to back_l_link. <---- found!!! 0x2ba3b50 pos link: (239.895, 95.0819, 1.13) Compare back_l_link to back_l_link. <---- found!!! 0x2a08110 pos link: (239.895, 95.0819, 1.13) ----- airboat[back_l_link]0x2a2bed0 pos link: (239.895, 95.0819, 1.13) linkNode_0x2a2bed0 iface not null interfaceCount: 15 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: airboat Compare airboat to airboat. <---- found!!! 0x2a1cdb0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare front_r_link to front_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x2e84dc0 pos link: (240.273, 94.958, 1.13) Compare front_r_link to front_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x327b990 pos link: (240.273, 94.958, 1.13) Compare front_r_link to front_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x32787c0 pos link: (240.273, 94.958, 1.13) Compare front_r_link to front_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x32794f0 pos link: (240.273, 94.958, 1.13) Compare front_r_link to front_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x327c5c0 pos link: (240.273, 94.958, 1.13) Compare front_r_link to front_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x327a970 pos link: (240.273, 94.958, 1.13) Compare front_r_link to front_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x3279f70 pos link: (240.273, 94.958, 1.13) Compare front_r_link to front_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x327a3d0 pos link: (240.273, 94.958, 1.13) Compare front_r_link to front_r_link. <---- found!!! 0x327ddf0 pos link: (240.273, 94.958, 1.13) ----- airboat[front_r_link]0x2e84dc0 pos link: (240.273, 94.958, 1.13) linkNode_0x2e84dc0 iface not null interfaceCount: 16 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: airboat Compare airboat to airboat. <---- found!!! 0x2a1cdb0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare front_l_link to front_l_link. <---- found!!! 0x2e85310 pos link: (240.273, 95.042, 1.13) ----- airboat[front_l_link]0x2e85310 pos link: (240.273, 95.042, 1.13) linkNode_0x2e85310 iface not null interfaceCount: 17 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: airboat Compare airboat to airboat. <---- found!!! 0x2a1cdb0 pos link: (240, 95, 1.13) Compare fwd to fwd. <---- found!!! 0x32952e0 pos link: (239.7, 95, 1.31) ----- airboat[fwd]0x32952e0 pos link: (239.7, 95, 1.31) linkNode_0x32952e0 iface not null interfaceCount: 18 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: buoy1 Compare buoy1 to buoy1. <---- found!!! 0x3745620 pos link: (250, 100, 1) Compare link to link. <---- found!!! 0x3552080 pos link: (250, 100, 1.25) ----- buoy1[link]0x3552080 pos link: (250, 100, 1.25) linkNode_0x3552080 iface not null interfaceCount: 19 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: buoy2 Compare buoy2 to buoy2. <---- found!!! 0x393e070 pos link: (255, 100, 1) Compare link to link. <---- found!!! 0x374aa20 pos link: (255, 100, 1.25) ----- buoy2[link]0x374aa20 pos link: (255, 100, 1.25) linkNode_0x374aa20 iface not null interfaceCount: 20 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: buoy3 Compare buoy3 to buoy3. <---- found!!! 0x3b36ab0 pos link: (260, 100, 1) Compare link to link. <---- found!!! 0x393eae0 pos link: (260, 100, 1.25) ----- buoy3[link]0x393eae0 pos link: (260, 100, 1.25) linkNode_0x393eae0 iface not null interfaceCount: 21 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: buoy4 Compare buoy4 to buoy4. <---- found!!! 0x3d2f240 pos link: (265, 100, 1) Compare link to link. <---- found!!! 0x3b37380 pos link: (265, 100, 1.25) ----- buoy4[link]0x3b37380 pos link: (265, 100, 1.25) linkNode_0x3b37380 iface not null interfaceCount: 22 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: buoy5 Compare buoy5 to buoy5. <---- found!!! 0x3f27b50 pos link: (270, 100, 1) Compare link to link. <---- found!!! 0x3d30310 pos link: (270, 100, 1.25) ----- buoy5[link]0x3d30310 pos link: (270, 100, 1.25) linkNode_0x3d30310 iface not null interfaceCount: 23 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: buoy6 Compare buoy6 to buoy6. <---- found!!! 0x41205a0 pos link: (250, 90, 1) Compare link to link. <---- found!!! 0x3f2cf60 pos link: (250, 90, 1.25) ----- buoy6[link]0x3f2cf60 pos link: (250, 90, 1.25) linkNode_0x3f2cf60 iface not null interfaceCount: 24 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: buoy7 Compare buoy7 to buoy7. <---- found!!! 0x4318f30 pos link: (255, 90, 1) Compare link to link. <---- found!!! 0x4125a70 pos link: (255, 90, 1.25) ----- buoy7[link]0x4125a70 pos link: (255, 90, 1.25) linkNode_0x4125a70 iface not null interfaceCount: 25 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: buoy8 Compare buoy8 to buoy8. <---- found!!! 0x4511880 pos link: (260, 90, 1) Compare link to link. <---- found!!! 0x431e1e0 pos link: (260, 90, 1.25) ----- buoy8[link]0x431e1e0 pos link: (260, 90, 1.25) linkNode_0x431e1e0 iface not null interfaceCount: 26 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: buoy9 Compare buoy9 to buoy9. <---- found!!! 0x470a420 pos link: (265, 90, 1) Compare link to link. <---- found!!! 0x450f150 pos link: (265, 90, 1.25) ----- buoy9[link]0x450f150 pos link: (265, 90, 1.25) linkNode_0x450f150 iface not null interfaceCount: 27 --------------- new OceanSurfaceToROSOceanVehicle. vehicle: buoy10 Compare buoy10 to buoy10. <---- found!!! 0x4903160 pos link: (270, 90, 1) Compare link to link. <---- found!!! 0x470f4d0 pos link: (270, 90, 1.25) ----- buoy10[link]0x470f4d0 pos link: (270, 90, 1.25) linkNode_0x470f4d0 iface not null interfaceCount: 28 iface not null interfaceCount: 29 ---- ended loading scene! child[0]: child[1]: child[2]: localizedWorld child[2]: switch_frames, mask: 64 child[2]: airboat, mask: 4294967295 child[2]: buoy1, mask: 4294967295 child[2]: buoy2, mask: 4294967295 child[2]: buoy3, mask: 4294967295 child[2]: buoy4, mask: 4294967295 child[2]: buoy5, mask: 4294967295 child[2]: buoy6, mask: 4294967295 child[2]: buoy7, mask: 4294967295 child[2]: buoy8, mask: 4294967295 child[2]: buoy9, mask: 4294967295 child[2]: buoy10, mask: 4294967295 child[2]: , mask: 4294967295 child[2]: , mask: 7Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[wind], child of element[link] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[wind]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element. [ INFO] [1553797579.132482935]: ############### Loading freefloating_fluid plugin

Init model_st()[ INFO] [1553797579.138304062]: ############### Loaded freefloating_fluid plugin. [INFO] [1553797579.153593, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797579.154304, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797579.157686, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797579.159697, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797579.161222, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797579.164252, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797579.170245, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_sdf_model [INFO] [1553797579.172815, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797579.176676, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797579.190975, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797579.226108, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797579.260534, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1553797579.302692, 0.000000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [ERROR] [1553797579.384783, 0.000000]: Simulation number 1 [INFO] [1553797579.556469, 0.000000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [buoy6_spawner-11] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/f7111b32-5186-11e9-928c-4851b702f60c/buoy6_spawner-11.log [INFO] [1553797579.780356, 0.000000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [buoy10_spawner-15] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/f7111b32-5186-11e9-928c-4851b702f60c/buoy10_spawner-15.log [buoy3_spawner-8] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/f7111b32-5186-11e9-928c-4851b702f60c/buoy3_spawner-8.log [Wrn] [msgs.cc:1808] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not suppported. [INFO] [1553797580.047532, 0.000000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [airboat_spawner-5] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/f7111b32-5186-11e9-928c-4851b702f60c/airboat_spawner-5.log [ INFO] [1553797580.314729009]: Laser Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' [ INFO] [1553797580.314804348]: Starting GazeboRosLaser Plugin (ns = /) [ INFO] [1553797580.317099909]: GPU Laser Plugin (ns = /) , set to "" [ INFO] [1553797580.317957206]: LoadThread function completed [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported

Starting to load FreeFloating Control Plugin for airboat

STARTING TO VERIFY EXISTENCE OF CONTROL BODY AND CONTROL JOINTS! [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported ___ WAIT INTENTIFING CONTROL! //airboat body: 1 joints: 0 ==========FFControlPlugin - WAIT INTENTIFING CONTROL! body: 1 joints: 1

FREEFLOATING_GAZEBO_CONTROL::airboat has control body[ INFO] [1553797581.391830348]: Adding fwd as a steering thruster

FREEFLOATING_GAZEBO_CONTROL::airboat has control joints[ INFO] [1553797581.426174396]: ######Started FreeFloating Control Plugin for airboat. [Wrn] [msgs.cc:1808] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not suppported. [Wrn] [msgs.cc:1808] Conversion of sensor type[gpu_ray] not suppported. [INFO] [1553797581.657809, 0.000000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [INFO] [1553797581.895612, 0.000000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [buoy1_spawner-6] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/f7111b32-5186-11e9-928c-4851b702f60c/buoy1_spawner-6.log [buoy7_spawner-12] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/f7111b32-5186-11e9-928c-4851b702f60c/buoy7_spawner-12.log [INFO] [1553797582.128531, 0.000000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1781] Triangle input semantic: 'COLOR' is currently not supported [terrain_spawner-16] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/f7111b32-5186-11e9-928c-4851b702f60c/terrain_spawner-16.log [INFO] [1553797582.674427, 0.000000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [INFO] [1553797582.901829, 0.000000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [buoy9_spawner-14] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/f7111b32-5186-11e9-928c-4851b702f60c/buoy9_spawner-14.log [INFO] [1553797583.142004, 0.000000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [buoy2_spawner-7] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/f7111b32-5186-11e9-928c-4851b702f60c/buoy2_spawner-7.log [INFO] [1553797583.373038, 0.000000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [buoy4_spawner-9] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/f7111b32-5186-11e9-928c-4851b702f60c/buoy4_spawner-9.log [INFO] [1553797583.600883, 0.000000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity [buoy8_spawner-13] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/f7111b32-5186-11e9-928c-4851b702f60c/buoy8_spawner-13.log [buoy5_spawner-10] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/jake/.ros/log/f7111b32-5186-11e9-928c-4851b702f60c/buoy5_spawner-10.log _ INTENTIFIED CONTROL! FREEFLOATING_PIDSMAIN:: have control joints//airboat [ INFO] [1553797585.948509682]: Init PID control for //airboat: 0 body axes, 1 joints

marceloparavisi commented 5 years ago

Hello Jake

I think you have to execute the following commands: sudo rosdep init rosdep update

After that, delete the folders build_isolated, devel_isolated, install_isolated...

So, compile the project and execute again the roslaunch.


jake3991 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me, I tried your posted commands and it did not improve. I also re-cloned the repo and that achieved the same result. Do you have any idea what it is causing the color warnings? It seems that is triggering an error with "simulation 1." What dependency is used for colors? I can manually update that or clone into the catkin_ws. Any other ideas?

marceloparavisi commented 5 years ago

Hello Jake

I cloned the repository in two computers to verify if I get any errors. In both PCs, i didn't receive any errors.

I believe that we couldn't identify the problem because we was receiving the following message "the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'". Please verify if you still receiving this warning.

What is your ubuntu version? Can you send me again the simulator output?

If everything is running, the rqt_graph will look like the attached image... Please run "rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph" and verify the topics and ros_nodes.

Regards, Marcelo Screenshot from 2019-03-29 14-44-20

jperk15 commented 5 years ago

We had the exact same problem. We figured out it was because we needed to click the play button on Gazebo :)

jake3991 commented 5 years ago

@jperk15 that was it!